(Click for Extra Assignments)
Reading Skills
Reading for Understanding: Nonfiction
Identifying and Expressing Information and Understanding Main Ideas
Comprehension and Summary
Comprehension, Explaining Meanings and Using, Developing and Evaluating Information
Writing about Language
Writing about Language (Revised)
Writing Skills
Interviews and Dialogue, Diary and Journal Entries and Letters
Narrative and Descriptive Writing
Speaking and Listening
Speaking and Listening: Picking an Engaging Topic (Revised)
Speaking and Listening: Structuring a Speech and Finding the Right Words (Revised)
Supplementary Resources
Reading and Writing Skills
Writer’s Use of Language and Structure: Fiction
Writer’s Use of Language and Structure: Nonfiction
Writing to Present a Viewpoint and Crafting Your Writing
Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar
Language, Punctuation and Sentences
Getting Ready for International GCSE
The Present Simple Tense of Regular Verbs
The Present Simple Tense of Irregular Verbs
School Routine in the UK and France
Personal, Social & Cultural Life (NEW)
Me, Friends, Family and Relationships
The Present Simple Tense of Regular Verbs
The Present Simple Tense of Irregular Verbs
Grammar Series
The Present Participle and the Gerund
Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns
Language Skills
Essential French
Essential French: The Alphabet, Numbers, Weather and Time
Daily Greetings and Being Polite
Essential French: Conversation Skills
Your Area, Holidays and Travel
Where You Live: Your Region and Country
School (NEW)
Future Plans, Study and Work (NEW)
National and International
Revision Skills and Tips
Getting Ready for A Level
The Present Simple Tense of Irregular Verbs
Relationships with Family and Friends
French Customs and Festivals: Part 1
Personal and Social Life
Animals, Colours, Adjectives, House and Furniture
Daily Routine and Household Chores
Numbers, Telling the Time, and Months, Days and Seasons
Home and Environment
Lost and Found and Finding the Way
Everyday Activities
Eating at a Restaurant or Cafe
Free Time Activities and Media
Parts of the Body, Illness and Accidents, and Fitness and Sport
School, College and Future Plans
Employment and Work Experience
School Environment and School Subjects
School Uniform and School Routine
Technology, Social Issues, and Relationships with Family and Friends
Home and Abroad
Getting Ready for International GCSE
Recap: Preterite or Past Simple Tense
Introducing Yourself and Your Appearance
Holiday Activities and Talking About Holidays
Language Skills
Personal, Social, Cultural Life
Me, Friends, Family and Relationships
School, College and Future Plans
Your Area, Holidays and Travel
Where You Live, Your Region and Country
Revision Skills and Tips
Recap: Preterite or Past Simple Tense
Getting Ready for International GCSE – Biology
Cell Structures and Microscopes
Diffusion and Active Transport
B1/Characteristics and Classification of Living Organisms
Concept and Use of a Classification System: DNA
Features of Organisms: The Five Kingdoms
Features of Organisms: Why do we Classify? And what is a Species?
Features of organisms: The Cell Cycle
Features of Organisms: Viruses
B2/Organisation of the Organism
Cell Structure and Organisation: Cell Structures and Microscopes
Levels of Organisation: Cell Differentiation
B3/Movement In and Out of Cells
Diffusion: Diffusion and Active Transport
B4/Biological Molecules
B6/Plant Nutrition
Photosynthesis: Products of Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis: Limiting Factors
Mineral Requirements: Plant Growth
B7/Human Nutrition
Chemical Digestion: Digestive Enzymes
B8/Transport in Plants
B9/Transport in Animals
Heart: Heart Disease and Risk Factors
B10/Diseases and Immunity
B11/Gas Exchange in Humans
B13/Excretion in Humans
B14/Coordination and Response
Nervous control in humans: The Central Nervous System
Nervous control in humans: Receptors and Effectors
Nervous control in humans: The Reflex Arc
Nervous control in humans: Reflexes
Nervous control in humans: Synapses
Medicinal Drugs: Antimicrobials and Antibiotics
Asexual Reproduction: Cloning (Animals)
Sexual Reproduction in Plants: Reproduction in Plants
Sexual Reproduction in Plants: Pollination
Sexual Reproduction in Plants: Fertilisation and Germination
Reproduction: Human Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction in Humans: Sperm and Egg
Methods of Birth Control in Humans: Controlling Fertility
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Chromosomes, Genes and Proteins: DNA
Chromosomes, Genes and Proteins: Genes
Monohybrid Inheritance: Alleles
Monohybrid Inheritance: Sex Inheritance
B18/Variation and Selection
Adaptive Features: Adaptations
Selection: Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
B19/Organisms and Their Environment
Food Chains and Food Webs: Food Chains and Webs
Nutrient Cycles: The Water Cycle
Population size: Global Population Change
B20/Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
Biotechnology: Microorganisms for Food
B21/Human Influences on Ecosystems
Habitat Destruction: Maintaining Ecosystems and Preventing Ecosystem Loss
Habitat Destruction: Deforestation & Peat Removal
Pollution: Waste from Human Activities
Conservation: Towards a Sustainable Use of Resources
Getting Ready for A Level – Biology
Cell Structures and Microscopes
Diffusion and Active Transport
The Particulate Nature of Matter
Bonding, Structure and the Properties of Matter
Experimental Techniques
Chemical Energetics
Air and Water
Organic Chemistry
General & Thermal Physics
Properties of Waves, including Light and Sound
Electricity and Magnetism
Magnetism and Electromagnetism
Atomic Physics
Inheritance, Variation and Evolution
Human Influences on the Ecosystem
Organic Chemistry
Air and Water
Bonding, Structure and the Properties of Matter
The Periodic Table
Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
Chemical Reactions
The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change
Energetics of a Reaction
Experimental Techniques
Electricity and Electric Circuits
Sound, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Light and Waves
Matter, Thermal Properties and Simple Kinetic Molecular Model of Matter
Energy, Power, Matters, Forces and Motion
Co-ordination and Response
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Part 1
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Part 2
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Cell Structures and Microscopes
Diffusion and Active Transport
Human Influences on the Ecosystem
Maintaining Ecosystems and Preventing Ecosystem Loss
Energy Flow in Ecosystems
Heart Disease and Risk Factors
Characteristics of Living Organisms
Characteristics of Living Things
The Periodic Table
Elements in the Periodic Table
Atoms, Elements and Compounds
Isotopes and Relative Atomic Mass
Simple & Giant Covalent Substances
Representing Chemical Reactions
Relative Formula Mass and Percentage By Mass
Chemical Reactions
Rates Of Reaction & Collision Theory
Effect of Concentration and Pressure
Energetics of a Reaction
Exothermic & Endothermic Reactions
Experimental Techniques
Chromatography and Synthesis & Extraction of Chemicals
Electricity and Chemistry
Electrolysis of Hydrochloric Acid and Electrolysis of Brine
Acids, Bases and Salts
Traditional Extraction Methods
Air and Water
The Atmosphere: Past and Present
Organic Chemistry
Energy, Work and Power
Gravitational Potential Energy
Transfer of Thermal Energy
Matter and Thermal Properties
Simple Kinetic Molecular Model of Matter
Isotopes and the Periodic Table
Radioactive Decay, Transmutation & Randomness
Waves: Analogue and Digital Sound
Electric Circuits
Electronics and Circuit symbols
Electromagnetic Effects
Left Hand Rule and Right Hand Rule
Object, Image and Focal Point; Concave and Convex Mirrors
Optical Fibres and Communications
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Matters and Forces
Wavelength and the Wave Formula
Light & Sound in Different Substances
Biology Practicals
Using a Light Microscope to Observe, Draw and Label
Rates of Enzyme-Controlled Reactions
Investigate the Relationship Between Organisms and Their Environment using Field-Work Techniques
Using Qualitative Reagents to Test for a Range of Carbohydrates, Lipids and Proteins
Investigate the Effect of Antiseptics or Antibiotics on Bacterial Growth Using Agar Plates
Investigate the Effect of a Factor on Human Reaction Time
Investigate the Rate of Respiration in Living Organisms (OCR)
Investigate the Effect of Light or Gravity on the Growth of Newly Germinated Seedlings
Examining Arteries and Veins Using a Light Microscope
Investigation into Factors Affecting Decomposition
Simple Extraction of DNA from Living Material
Dissection of a Mammalian Kidney
Investigation Into Factors Affecting Transpiration
Investigation into Variation in Organisms
Investigation of the Energy Content of Foods
Investigating the Factors Affecting the Rate of Photosynthesis-1
Chemistry Practicals
Preparation of a Pure, Dry Sample of Salt from an Insoluble Oxide or Carbonate
Investigation Into Factors Affecting the Rates of Reactions
Investigate What Happens When Aqueous Solutions Are Electrolysed Using Inert Electrodes
Investigate the Electrolysis of Copper Sulfate Solution with Inert Electrodes and Copper Electrodes
Determination of the Reacting Volumes of Solutions of a Strong Acid and a Strong Alkali by Titration
Use of Chemical Tests to Identify the Ions in Unknown Single Ionic Compounds
Separation of Liquids by Distillation
Determination of the Amount of Energy Released by a Fuel
Determination of Relative Reactivities of Metals Through Displacement Reactions
Investigation into the Effect of Various Catalysts on the Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide
Investigate the Variables that Affect Temperature Changes in Reacting Solutions
Determination of a Melting Point for a Pure and Impure Substance
Determination of the Percentage of Water in a Hydrated Salt
Determination of the Amount of Hardness in Water Using Soap Solution
Investigation of Thermal Stabilities of Calcium Carbonate, Copper(II) Carbonate & Sodium Carbonate
Physics Practicals
An Investigation to Find the Wavelength, Frequency and Speed of Waves in a Solid and a Liquid
Investigating the Current–Voltage (I–V) Characteristics of a Component
An Investigation to Determine the Specific Heat Capacity of One or More Materials
Investigate the Effectiveness of Different Materials as Thermal Insulators
Investigation of the Output of an Iron-Cored Transformer
Investigation of the Variation of the Volume of a Gas with Temperature
Investigation of the Images in Convex and Concave Lenses
Investigation of the Terminal Speed of a Falling Object
Investigation of the Principle of Moments
Determination of the Half-Life of a Model Radioactive Source
Investigate the Relationship Between Force and Extension for a Spring
Square and Square Roots / Higher Powers and Roots
Converting Between Decimals and Fractions
Linear Equations and Linear Inequalities
Term to Term Rules and Position to Term Rules
Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change
Finding Percentages, Comparing with Percentages, and Converting to Percentages
Percentage Change, Simple Interest and Growth and Decay
Geometry & Measures
Calculating Probability, Combined Events
Calculating Probability: Single Event
Measuring Probability: Single Event
The Natural Environment
Climate and Natural Vegetation (Part 1)
Climate and Natural Vegetation (Part 2)
Earthquakes and Volcanoes (Part 1)
Earthquakes and Volcanoes (Part 2)
Geographical Skills -Arrived!
Graph Skills
Map Skills
Case Studies
L’Aquila Earthquake, 2009: Case Study
Nepal Earthquake, 2015: Case Study
The Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, 2010: Case Study
The Eruption of Merapi, 2010: Case Study
Coursework -Arrived!
The Route to Geographical Enquiry
The 19th Century: The Development of Modern Nation States, 1848-1914
What Caused the First World War?
Russia, 1905-41
Why Did the Tsarist Regime Collapse in 1917?
How Did the Bolsheviks Gain Power, and How Did they Consolidate their Rule?
The 20th Century: International Relations since 1919
Were the Peace Treaties of 1919–23 Fair?
To What Extent was the League of Nations a Success?
Why had International Peace Collapsed by 1939?
Who was to blame for the Cold War?
How Effectively did the USA Contain the Spread of Communism?
How Secure was the USSR’s Control Over Eastern Europe, 1948-c.1989?
The First World War, 1914-18
Why Was the War Not Over by December 1914?
Why Was There Stalemate on the Western Front?
How Important Were Other Fronts?
Why Did Germany Ask for an Armistice in 1918?
The USA, 1919-41
What were the Causes and Consequences of the Wall Street Crash?
How Successful was the New Deal?
Germany, 1918-45
Was the Weimar Republic Doomed from the Start?
Why was Hitler Able to Dominate Germany by 1934?
China, c.1930-c.1990
Why Did China Become a Communist State in 1949?
How Far Had Communist Rule Changed China by the Mid-1960s?: Part 1
How Far Had Communist Rule Changed China by the Mid-1960s?: Part 2
What was the Impact of Communist Rule on China’s Relations with Other Countries?
Has Communism Produced a Cruel Dictatorship in China?: Part 1
Has Communism Produced a Cruel Dictatorship in China?: Part 2
Understanding Business Activity
Enterprise, Business Growth and Size: Part 1
Enterprise, Business Growth and Size: Part 2
Types of Business Organisation
Business Activity and Classification of Businesses
Business Objectives and Stakeholder Objectives
People in Business
Recruitment, Selection and Training of Employees: Part 1
Recruitment, Selection and Training of Employees: Part 2
Operations Management -Recently Arrived!
Production of Goods and Services
Costs, Scale of Production and Break-Even Analysis
Financial Information and Decisions -Recently Arrived!
Financial Information and Decisions
External Influences on Business Activity -Recently Arrived!
Types and Components of Computer Systems
Types of Computer, Emerging Technologies and HICs
Input and Output Devices
Networks and the effects of using them
Networks and the Effects of Using Them
The Effects of Using IT
ICT Applications
ICT Applications/ Libraries, Medicine and Retail
Safety and Security
File Management
Document Production
Data Analysis
Data Manipulation
Website Authoring
Module 1: Fractions
Lesson 2: Fractions of Amounts
Lesson 3: Four Operations with Proper Fractions
Module 2: Ratio and Proportion
Lesson 4: Proportional Equations
Module 3: Percentages
Lesson 1: Conversions between Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Lesson 2: Percentages of Amounts
Module 4: Money & Decimals
Lesson 2: Four Operations with Decimals
Lesson 3: Converting Currencies and Best Buy
Module 5: Charts and Graphs
Module 6: Expressions and Sequences
Lesson 2: Expanding, Factorising and Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Module 7: Forming and Solving Equations
Lesson 1: Solving Linear Equations
Lesson 2: Simultaneous Equations
Lesson 4: Solving Quadratic Equations
Module 8: Perimeter, Area and Volume
Lesson 1: Basic Area and Perimeter
Lesson 2: Compound Area and Perimeter
Lesson 3: Volume and Surface Area
Lesson 4: Further Area, Length and Volume
Module 9: Probability
Lesson 1: Single Event Probability
Module 10: Averages
Module 11: Number
Lesson 1: Multiples and Factors
Module 12: Geometry
Module 1: Reading for Understanding: Fiction
Lesson 1: Reading Narrative Writing
Lesson 2: Interpreting Characters
Lesson 3: Reading and Interpreting Atmospheric Description
Module 2: Creative Writing, Punctuation and Sentences
Lesson 1: Descriptive Writing – The Basics
Lesson 2: Descriptive Writing – More Advanced Techniques
Lesson 3: Narrative Writing – The Basics
Lesson 4: Narrative Writing – More Advanced Techniques
Module 3: Comprehension and Using Textual Detail
Lesson 1: Identifying and Interpreting Explicit and Implicit Information and Ideas
Lesson 2: Implicit Meaning and Inference Skills
Module 4: Writing About Structure
Lesson 1: Literary Devices and the Effects Used by Writers
Lesson 2: Writing About the Effects of Structure
Module 5: Evaluating the Text
Lesson 1: Evaluating Texts -The Basics
Lesson 2: Developing Approaches to Evaluation
Module 6: Reading for Understanding: Non-fiction
Lesson 1: An Overview of 19th Century Non-Fiction
Lesson 2: Reading Biographies and Autobiographies
Module 7: Transactional Writing and Crafting
Lesson 1: Writing to Argue and Persuade
Module 8: Synthesis and Summary
Module 9: Writer’s Use of Language and Structure: Non-fiction
Lesson: Language and Structure: Non-Fiction
Module 10: Comparing Texts
Module 11: Writing to Present a Viewpoint and Crafting Your Writing
Lesson 1: Writing to Present a Viewpoint
Lesson 3: Crafting Your Writing
Module 12: Language, Punctuation and Sentence
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
Structure, Language and Dramatic Techniques
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Characters: Lord and Lady Capulet
Characters: Rosaline and The Prince
Poetry – Carol Ann Duffy
We Remember Your Childhood Well by Carol Ann Duffy
In Your Mind by Carol Ann Duffy
The Good Teachers by Carol Ann Duffy
A Child’s Sleep by Carol Ann Duffy
Head of English by Carol Ann Duffy
Recognition by Carol Ann Duffy
In Mrs Tilscher’s Class by Carol Ann Duffy
Death of a Teacher by Carol Ann Duffy
The Darling Letters by Carol Ann Duffy
Poetry – Songs Of Ourselves Vol.1, Part 3
The Three Fates by Rosemary Dobson
Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden
Rising Five by Norman Nicholson
Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney
Sonnet 29 by Edna St Vincent Millay
Little Boy Crying by Mervyn Morris
She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways by William Wordsworth
Not Waving But Drowning by Stevie Smith
Wider Reading
1984 by George Orwell
Nineteen Eighty-Four: Context and Themes
Nineteen Eighty-Four: Characters
Nineteen Eighty-Four: Setting, Symbolism, Structure and Literary Devices
Initiate and Plan: Understand the Tools and Techniques that can be Used to Initiate and Plan Solutions:
Execute: Understand the Factors to be Considered When Collecting, Processing and Storing Data and Information
Execute: Understand How Data and Information Can be Collected, Stored and Used
Data, Information and Knowledge
Collecting Data and Information
Execute: To be Able to Import and Manipulate Data to Develop a Solution to Meet an Identified Need
External Data for Spreadsheets
Communicate: Understand the Different Methods of Processing Data and Presenting Information
Communicate: To be Able to Select and Present Information in the Development of the Solution to Meet an Identified Need
Introduction to Document Production
Printing and Delivering Presentations
External Data for Presentation Software
Designing Good-Quality Websites
Iterative Review and Final Review: To be Able to Iteratively Review the Development of the Solution
Getting Ready for International GCSE – PE
Getting Ready for International GCSE) – Intro
Skill-Related Components of Fitness: Agility, Speed, Power, Reaction Time, Co-ordination and Balance
Structure and Function of a Skeleton
The Positive Impact of the Media and Sponsorship
The Negative Impact of the Media and Sponsorship
Applied Anatomy and Physiology 1
The Structure and Functions of the Skeletal System
Structure and Function of a Skeleton
How Do Synovial Joints Help to Produce Movement?
The Structure and Function of the Muscular System
Movement Analysis
Mechanical Advantage of Levers
The Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
The Structure of the Heart and the Cardiac Cycle
Structure of the Respiratory System and Gaseous Exchange
How Can We Measure the Efficiency of our Heart?
Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise
Effects of Exercise on the Body Systems
Immediate and Short-Term Effects of Exercise
Socio-Cultural Influences 1
Engagement Patterns of Different Social Groups in Physical Activities and Sports
Social Groupings: Gender and Ethnicity
Social Groupings: Age and Disability
Sports Psychology 1
Goal Setting and SMART Targets
Mental Preparation for Performance
Physical Training 1
Components of Fitness
Measuring the Components of Fitness: Co-ordination, Flexibility and Muscular Endurance
Measuring the Components of Fitness: Strength and Speed
Components of Fitness: Agility, Balance, Cardiovascular Endurance, Coordination and Flexibility
Components of Fitness: Muscular Endurance, Power, Reaction Time, Speed and Strength
Measuring the Components of Fitness: Types of Data, Agility, Balance and Cardiovascular Endurance
Measuring the Components of Fitness: Power and Reaction Time
Applied Anatomy and Physiology 2
The structure and functions of the musculo-skeletal system
Structure and Function of a Skeleton
How Do Synovial Joints Help to Produce Movement?
The structure and functions of the cardio-respiratory system
The Structure of the Heart and the Cardiac Cycle
Structure of the Respiratory System and Gaseous Exchange
Anaerobic and aerobic exercise
Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise
Immediate and Short-Term Effects of Exercise
Movement Analysis 1
Lever Systems, Examples of their Use in Activity and the Mechanical Advantage they Provide in Movement
Mechanical Advantage and Disadvantage of the Body’s Lever Systems
Physical Training 2
The Long-Term Effects of Exercise
The Long-Term Effects of Exercise
The relationship between health and fitness and the role that exercise plays in both
The Relationship Between Health and Fitness
The components of fitness, benefits for sport and how fitness is measured and improved
Components of Fitness: Agility, Balance, Cardiovascular Endurance, Coordination and Flexibility
Components of Fitness: Muscular Endurance, Power, Reaction Time, Speed and Strength
How Do We Measure Fitness and What Limitations Could This Have?
Measuring the Components of Fitness: Types of Data, Agility, Balance and Cardiovascular Endurance
Measuring the Components of Fitness: Coordination, Flexibility and Muscular Endurance
Measuring the Components of Fitness: Power and Reaction Time
Measuring the Components of Fitness: Maximal Strength, Strength and Speed
The principles of training and their application to personal exercise/training programmes
The Principles of Training and Overload
What Do I Need To Consider When Planning a Training Programme?
Interval and High Intensity Interval Training
Effective use of warm up and cool down
Effective Use of Warm-Up and Cool-Down
Applied Anatomy and Physiology 3
The Structure and Functions of the Musculoskeletal System
Structure and Function of a Skeleton
How Do Synovial Joints Help to Produce Movement?
The Structure and Functions of the Cardio-respiratory System
Structure of the Respiratory System and Gaseous Exchange
The Structure of the Heart and the Cardiac Cycle
How Can We Measure the Efficiency of our Heart?
How Do We Interpret a Spirometer Trace?
Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise
Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise
Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption
The Recovery Process From Vigorous Exercise
The Short and Long Term Effects of Exercise
Immediate and Short-Term Effects of Exercise
The Long-Term Effects of Exercise
Health, Fitness and Well-Being 1
Physical, Emotional and Social Health
Being Healthy: What Does It Mean?
Sedentary Lifestyles and Obesity
Energy Use, Diet and Nutrition
Socio-Cultural Influences 2
Sports Psychology
Goal Setting and SMART Targets
Mental Preparation for Performance
Socio-Cultural Influences
Social Groupings: Gender and Ethnicity
Social Groupings: Age and Disability
Social Groupings: Friends and Family
Commercialisation of Physical Activity and Sport
The Positive Impact of the Media and Sponsorship
The Negative Impact of the Media and Sponsorship
The Impact of Technology in Sport
Ethical Issues in Sport
Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Categories, Blood Doping and Beta Blockers
Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Prohibited Substances
Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Advantages and Disadvantages
Use of Data
Collection and Presentation
How is Data Collected, Presented and Evaluated?
Health, Fitness and Well-Being 2 -2 titles
Energy use, diet, nutrition and hydration2 pods
The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle1 pod
Sedentary Lifestyles and Obesity
Socio-cultural influences 3
Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport
Commercialisation of physical activity and sport
Commercialisation of Physical Activity and Sport
Engagement patterns of different social groups in physical activity and sport
Social Groupings: Gender and Ethnicity
Social Groupings: Age and Disability
Social Groupings: Friends and Family
Movement Analysis 2
Lever Systems
Mechanical Advantage of Levers
Planes and Axes of Movement
Physical Training 3
The Relationship Between Health and Fitness and the Role that Exercise Plays in Both
The Relationship Between Health and Fitness
How Is Fitness Measured and Improved?
Components of Fitness: Agility, Balance, Cardiovascular Endurance, Coordination and Flexibility
Components of Fitness: Muscular Endurance, Power, Reaction Time, Speed and Strength
How Do We Measure Fitness and What Limitations Could This Have?
Measuring the Components of Fitness: Types of Data, Agility, Balance and Cardiovascular Endurance
Measuring the Components of Fitness: Coordination, Flexibility and Muscular Endurance
Measuring the Components of Fitness: Power and Reaction Time
Measuring the Components of Fitness: Maximal Strength, Strength and Speed
Principles of Training
The Principles of Training and Overload
Types of Training
Interval and High Intensity Interval Training
Training Considerations
What Do I Need To Consider When Planning a Training Programme?
Training Seasons
Effective Use of Warm Up and Cool Down1 pod
Effective Use of Warm-Up and Cool-Down
Sport Psychology 2
Guidance and feedback on and mental preparation for performance
Mental Preparation for Performance
The use of goal setting and SMART targets to improve and/or optimise performance
Goal Setting and SMART Targets
Classification of skills (basic/complex, open/closed)
Legacy Content
PE, Sport and Competition: Concepts & Processes
PE, Sport and Competition: School
PE, Sport and Competition: Roles
Balanced Active Healthy Lifestyles: Factors Affecting Health
Balanced Active Healthy Lifestyles: Making Informed Choices
Fitness, Training and Exercise: Short Term Effects
Fitness, Training and Exercise: Long Term Effects
Fitness, Training and Exercise: Demands of Performance
Learning and Developing Skills
Body Systems: The Skeletal System
Body Systems: Respiratory and Circulatory
Getting Ready for A Level -PE
Getting Ready for KS5 (A Level) -Intro
The Structure of the Heart and the Cardiac Cycle
Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise
Mental Preparation for Performance
The Negative Effects of Taking Drugs in Sport
Unit 1: LO1: The Structure and Function of Body Systems and how they apply to Health and Fitness
Skeletal System
Structure and Function of a Skeleton
How Do Synovial Joints Help to Produce Movement?
Structure of Spine and Posture
Muscular System
Respiratory System
How Do We Interpret a Spirometer Trace?
Structure of the Respiratory System and Gaseous Exchange
Cardiovascular System
The Structure of the Heart and the Cardiac Cycle
How Can We Measure the Efficiency of Our Heart?
Energy Systems
Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise
Unit 1: LO2: Effects of Health and Fitness Activities on the Body
Effects of Health and Fitness Activities on the Body
Immediate and Short-Term Effects of Exercise
Unit 1: LO3: Health and Fitness and The Components of Fitness
Health and Fitness
The Relationship Between Health and Fitness
Being Healthy: What Does It Mean?
Components of Fitness
Skill-Related Components of Fitness: Agility, Speed, Power, Reaction Time, Co-ordination and Balance
Unit 1: LO4: Principles of Training
Principles of Training
The Principles of Training and Overload
Unit 2: LO1: The Impact of Lifestyle on Health and Fitness
Lifestyle Factors
Sedentary Lifestyles and Obesity
Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Categories, Blood Doping and Beta Blockers
Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Prohibited Substances 1
Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Prohibited Substances 2
Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Advantages and Disadvantages
Unit 2: LO2: Testing and Developing Components of Fitness
Fitness Testing
Measuring the Components of Fitness: Types of Data, Agility, Balance and Cardiovascular Endurance
Measuring the Components of Fitness: Coordination, Flexibility and Muscular Endurance
Measuring the Components of Fitness: Power and Reaction Time
Measuring the Components of Fitness: Maximal Strength, Strength and Speed
Training Methods
Interval and High Intensity Interval Training
Optimising a Health and Fitness Programme
Unit 2: LO3: Health and Fitness Analysis and Goal Setting
Health and Fitness Analysis and Goal Setting
Goal Setting and SMART Targets
Health and Fitness Analysis Tools
Unit 2: LO4: The Structure of a Health and Fitness Programme and How to Prepare Safely
The Structure of a Health and Fitness Programme
What Do I Need To Consider When Planning a Training Programme?
Effective Use of Warm Up and Cool Down
Health and Safety
Getting Ready for International GCSE Music Theory
Getting Ready for International GCSE -Intro, Rests, Ties and Dotted Notes
Degrees of the Scale and Intervals
The Scales and Key Signatures of C, G, D and F Major
Music Theory: Grade 1
Grade 1 Part 1
Accidentals, Summary and Web Links
Grade 1 Part 2
Introduction, Semitones and Tones
The Scales and Key Signatures of C, G, D and F Major
Degrees of the Scale and Intervals
Performance Directions, Summary and Web Links
Grade 1 Testbites
Music Theory: Grade 2
Grade 2 Part 1
The major keys of A, Bb and Eb
Triplets and, The minor keys of A, E and D
Grade 2 Part 2
Introduction, Grouping Notes and Rests
Composing Simple Four-bar Rhythms
Grade 2 Testbites
Music Theory: Grade 3
Grade 3 Part 1
Introduction and Demisemiquavers
Major keys with four sharps or flats and Minor keys with four sharps or flats
Beyond two ledger lines and Transposition
Grade 3 Part 2
Introduction and Compound Time
Grade 3 Testbites
Music Theory: Grade 4
Grade 4 Part 1
Introduction and Time Signatures
Double Sharps and Double Flats
Breves, Double Dots and Duplets
Keys with Five Sharps or Flats
Grade 4 Part 2
Introduction, Triads and Chords on I, IV and V
Intervals and Writing a Rhythm to Words
The Chromatic Scale and Ornaments
Grade 4 Testbites
Music Theory: Grade 5
Grade 5 Part 1
Introduction and Irregular Time Signatures
Major and Minor Keys up to Six Sharps and Flats
Transposition and Voices in Score
Grade 5 Part 2
Ornaments and Chords at Cadential Points
Grade 5 Testbites
Getting Ready for A Level
Getting Ready for A Levels Music -Intro
Getting Ready for International GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition
Getting Ready for International GCSE -Intro
Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 1
Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 2
Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 3
Food Choices: Religion & Culture
Food Preparation Skills
General Practical Skills
Tasting, Seasoning and Presentation Techniques
Knife Skills
Preparing Fruit and Vegetables
Preparing Fruits and Vegetables
Food Preparation and Cooking Techniques
Preparation Skills
Food, Nutrition and Health
Nutritional Needs & Health
Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 1
Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 2
Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 3
Carrying Out Nutritional Analysis & Modifying Recipes
Diet, Nutrition & Health: Cardiovascular Disease, Stroke, Obesity
Diet, Nutrition & Health: Bone & Dental Health, Anaemia, Diabetes
Food Science
Functional & Chemical Properties of Food
Properties of Fruits and Vegetables
Cooking of Food & Heat Transfer
How Heat is Transferred to Food
Selecting Appropriate Cooking Methods: Water-Based
Selecting Appropriate Cooking Methods: Dry Methods
Selecting Appropriate Cooking Methods: Oil/Fat Based Methods
Food Safety
Principles of Food Safety
Preparing, Cooking and Serving Food
Food Spoilage & Contamination
Microorganisms in Food Production
Bacterial Contamination: Part 1
Bacterial Contamination: Part 2
Food Choice
British and International Cuisines
International Cuisine: Italy and Spain
International Cuisine: Mexico and the USA
International Cuisine: China and India
Factors Affecting Food Choice
Factors Which Influence Food Choice: Part 1
Factors Which Influence Food Choice: Part 2
Factors Which Influence Food Choice: Part 3
Food Choices: Religion & Culture
Food Choices: Ethical Beliefs, Moral Beliefs
Food Choices: Intolerances and Allergies
Sensory Evaluation
Food Provenance
Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Food
Sustainability of Food: Part 1
Sustainability of Food: Part 2
Food Processing and Production
Primary Stages of Processing: Fruits, Vegetables, Cereals
Primary Stages of Processing: Meat, Fish, Milk
Secondary Stages of Processing: Flour into Pasta and Bread
Secondary Stages of Processing: Fruit into Jam
Secondary Stages of Processing: Milk into Cheese and Yoghurt
Technological Developments Associated with Better Health and Food Production: Part 1
Technological Developments Associated with Better Health and Food Production: Part 2
Supplementary Resources
SR: Design & Market Issues
Labelling & Packaging, Social, Cultural, Environmental & Ethical Issues
SR: Designing Food Products
Investigating Design Opportunities
Generating Ideas, Developing Ideas
SR: Food Processes
SR: Properties of Food Products
Getting Ready for A Level Food Preparation and Nutrition
Getting Ready for A Levels -Intro
Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 1
Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 2
Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 3
Carrying Out Nutritional Analysis & Modifying Recipes
Diet, Nutrition & Health: Cardiovascular Disease, Stroke, Obesity
Diet, Nutrition & Health: Bone & Dental Health, Anaemia, Diabetes
Food Choices: Ethical Beliefs, Moral Beliefs
Food Choices: Intolerances and Allergies
Technological Developments Associated with Better Health and Food Production: Part 1
Getting Ready for International GCSE Design and Technology
Getting Ready for KS4 (GCSE) -Intro
Primary Sources and Origins of Materials
Generating Imaginative and Creative Design Ideas (Part 1)
Generating Imaginative and Creative Design Ideas (Part 2)
Exploring and Developing Ideas
Communicating Your Design Ideas: Part 1
Communicating Your Design Ideas: Part 2
Communicating Your Design Ideas: Part 3
Case Study: Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Core Technical Principles
New and Emerging Technologies
Production Techniques & Systems: Part 1
Production Techniques & Systems: Part 2
Critical Evaluation of Design Decisions: Part 1
Critical Evaluation of Design Decisions: Part 2
Energy Generation and Storage
Developments in New Materials
Systems Approach to Designing
Mechanical Devices
Changing Magnitude and Direction of Force: Levers
Changing Magnitude and Direction of Force: Linkages and Rotary Systems
Materials and Their Working Properties
Textiles Part 1 – Natural Fibres
Textiles Part 2 – Synthetic Fibres and Blended Fibres
Textiles Part 3 – Constructing Fabrics
Designing and Making Principles
The Work of Others
Case Study: Louis Comfort Tiffany
Case Study: Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Prototype Development
Design Strategies
Generating Imaginative and Creative Design Ideas (Part 1)
Generating Imaginative and Creative Design Ideas (Part 2)
Exploring and Developing Ideas
Environmental, Social and Economic Challenges
Environmental, Social and Economic Challenges
Investigation, Primary and Secondary Data
Using Data to Understand Client and/or User Needs: Part 1
Using Data to Understand Client and/or User Needs: Part 2
Writing a Design Brief and Producing a Design and Manufacturing Specification
Papers and Boards
Material Management
Cutting Materials Efficiently and Minimising Waste
Using Marking-Out Methods, Data Points and Coordinates
Surface Treatments and Finishes
Surface Treatments and Finishes
Selection of Materials or Components
Choosing Materials or Components
Sources and Origins
Primary Sources and Origins of Materials
Using and Working With Materials
Properties of Materials and Modifying Properties for Specific Purposes
Metal-Based Materials
Selection of Materials or Components
Choosing Materials or Components
Forces and Stress
Manipulating Materials and Objects to Work with Forces and Stress
Enhancing Materials to Resist and Work With Forces and Stress to Improve Functionality
Ecological and Social Footprint
Ecological Issues in Design and Manufacture
Social Issues in Design and Manufacture
Sources and Origins
Primary Sources and Origins of Materials
Using and Working With Materials
Modifying Properties for Specific Purposes
Stock Forms, Types and Sizes
Supplementary Resources (D&T)
Product Design: Optional Materials Part 2
Textiles Technology: Making Products
Textiles Technology: Designing Products
Textiles Technology: Design Considerations
Textiles Technology: Materials & Components
Product Design: Industrial & Commercial Practice
Product Design: Product Development: Making Products
Product Design: Design Influence
Product Design: Product Development: Designing Products
Product Design: Optional Materials
Product Design: Compulsory Materials
Graphic Products: Industrial Practices
Graphic Products: Making Products
Graphic Products: Designing Products
Graphic Products: Design Considerations
Graphic Products: Materials & Components
Resistant Materials: Industrial Processes
Resistant Materials: Design Considerations
Resistant Materials: Designing Products
Resistant Materials: Materials
Resistant Materials: Components and Finishing
Resistant Materials: Tools and Processes
Getting Ready for A Level Design and Technology
Exploring and Developing Ideas
Generating and Communicating Ideas
Generating Imaginative and Creative Design Ideas (Part 1)
Generating Imaginative and Creative Design Ideas (Part 2)
Critical Evaluation of Design Decisions: Part 1
Critical Evaluation of Design Decisions: Part 2
Production Techniques & Systems: Part 1
Production Techniques & Systems: Part 2
Properties of Materials and Modifying Properties for Specific Purposes
Primary Sources and Origins of Materials-1
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare
The History Boys by Alan Bennett
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon, adapted by Simon Stephens
Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare
Othello by William Shakespeare
Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare
Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Blood Brothers by Willy Russell
An Inspector Calls by J. B. Priestley
Team You
Creative iMedia
Pre-Production Skills
Purpose and Content of Pre-Production
Mood Boards, Mind Maps, and Visualisation Diagrams
Planning Pre-Production
Interpreting Client Requirements
Making Pre-Production Documents
Reviewing Pre-Production Documents
Reviewing Pre-Production Documents
Creating Digital Graphics
Understanding Digital Graphics
Planning Digital Graphics
Client Requirements for a Graphic
Assets and Resources for Graphics
Creating Digital Graphics
Tools and Techniques for Graphics
File Formats and Compatibility
Reviewing Graphics
Creating 2D and 3D Digital Characters
Understanding Digital Characters
Properties of Digital Characters
Planning Digital Characters
Client Requirements for a Digital Character
Assets and Resources for Digital Characters
A Work Plan for Digital Characters
A Test Plan for Digital Characters
Creating Digital Characters
Tools and Techniques for 2D Characters
Tools and Techniques for 3D Characters
File Formats for Digital Characters
Reviewing Digital Characters
Storytelling with a Comic Strip
Understanding Comic Strips
Planning a Comic Strip
Client Requirements for a Comic Strip
Comic Strip Planning Documents
Assets and Resources for a Comic Strip
Creating a Comic Strip
Reviewing a Comic Strip
Creating a Multipage Website
Understanding Websites
Understanding Websites (Web Technologies)
Planning a Website
Client Requirements for a Website
Assets and Resources for a Website
Creating a Website
Reviewing a Website
Creating a Digital Animation
Understanding Animation
Planning an Animation
Client Requirements for an Animation
Assets and Resources for an Animation
Creating an Animation
Animation Tools and Techniques
Reviewing an Animation
Creating Interactive Multimedia Products
Understanding Interactive Multimedia Products
Introducing Interactive Multimedia Products
Design Considerations of Interactive Multimedia Products
Planning a Multimedia Product
Client Requirements for a Multimedia Product
A Work Plan for a Multimedia Product
Designing a Multimedia Product
Assets and Resources for a Multimedia Product
A Test Plan for a Multimedia Product
Creating a Multimedia Product
Multimedia Techniques in PowerPoint
Reviewing a Multimedia Product
Reviewing a Multimedia Product
Creating a Digital Sound Sequence
Understanding Digital Sound
Sectors and Uses of Digital Audio Projects
Planning a Digital Sound Sequence
Client Requirements for a Digital Sound Sequence
A Work Plan for a Digital Sound Sequence
Equipment and Software for a Digital Sound Sequence
A Test Plan for a Sound Sequence
Creating a Digital Sound Sequence
Reviewing a Digital Sound Sequence
Reviewing a Digital Sound Sequence
Creating a Digital Video Sequence
Understanding Digital Video
Sectors and Uses of Digital Video Products
Planning a Digital Video Sequence
Client Requirements for a Digital Video Sequence
A Work Plan for a Digital Video Sequence
Creating a Digital Video Sequence
Editing, Importing and Exporting Video
Reviewing a Digital Video Sequence
Reviewing a Digital Video Sequence
Digital Photography
Understanding Digital Photography
Capabilities and Limitations of Cameras
Making Decisions as a Photographer
Planning a Photo Shoot
Client Requirements for a Photo Shoot
Taking and Displaying Digital Photographs
Storage and Display of Digital Photographs
Reviewing Digital Photography
Designing a Game Concept
Game Types and Platforms
Evolution of Games and Platforms
Planning a Game Concept
Client Requirements for a Game Concept
Generating Ideas for a Game Concept
Creating a Game Proposal
Reviewing a Game Proposal
Developing Digital Games
Game Creation Hardware and Software
Planning a Digital Game
Client Requirements for a Digital Game
Test Planning for a Digital Game
Creating a Digital Game
Reviewing a Digital Game
Religious Studies
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