Study online for your International GCSE with CambriCollege


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What is the official Syllabus for each exam subject? ( For International GCSE candidates only)
Please see this link to the official syllabus  which will tell you what is included in the syllabus for each subject. We suggest you check the official syllabus out and work along with your text books, Assignments and the videos to cover the necessary exam material. We also offer Free Exam Past Papers for International GCSE students.
Please see this link for Exam Requirements.

English First Language

French (Foreign Language)

French as a Foreign Language

Getting Ready for International GCSE

The Present Simple Tense of Regular Verbs

The Present Simple Tense of Irregular Verbs

Conjugating Modal Verbs

Expressing an Opinion

Structures with Infinitives

The Perfect Tense

The Future Tense

School Routine in the UK and France

Personal, Social & Cultural Life (NEW)

Me, Friends, Family and Relationships

Daily Life (Part 1)

Daily Life (Part 2)

Customs and Festivals

Health and Illness



The Present Simple Tense of Regular Verbs

The Present Simple Tense of Irregular Verbs

The Present Simple Tense

The Near Future Tense

Grammar Series

Continuous Tenses

The Imperfect Tense

The Future Tense

The Perfect Tense

The Conditional Tense


Depuis and the Present Tense

The Present Participle and the Gerund

Conjugating Modal Verbs

The Expression ‘to have just’

Direct Object Pronouns

Indirect Object Pronouns

Structures with Infinitives

The Subjunctive Mood

The Past Conditional Tense

Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns

Language Skills

Essential French


The French Alphabet

The Time, Dates and Seasons

The Weather

Essential French: The Alphabet, Numbers, Weather and Time

Animals and Colours

House and Furniture

Sports and Leisure

Shops and Buying Things

Parts of the Body

Essential French: Vocabulary

Daily Greetings and Being Polite

Asking Questions

Expressing an Opinion

Essential French: Conversation Skills

Your Area, Holidays and Travel

Where You Live: Your Region and Country

Tourism and Travel

School (NEW)


Future Plans, Study and Work (NEW)

Future Plans, Study and Work

National and International

Poverty and Homelessness

Environmental Issues

International Sports or Music

Revision Skills and Tips

GCSEPod’s Top Revision Tips

Revision and Study Skills

Getting Ready for A Level

Getting Ready for A Level

Conjugating Modal Verbs

The Imperfect Tense

The Present Simple Tense of Irregular Verbs

The Conditional Tense

School Rules

Gap Year and Volunteering

Relationships with Family and Friends

Marriage and Partnership

Poverty and Homelessness

French Customs and Festivals: Part 1

French Customs and Festivals: Part 2

Discussing Music

GCSEPod’s Top Revision Tips

German (Foreign Language)

Spanish (Foreign Language)

Biology (Sciences)


Getting Ready for International GCSE – Biology

Cell Structures and Microscopes

Diffusion and Active Transport

Gas Exchange In Humans

Cell Differentiation

Aerobic Respiration

Anaerobic Respiration

Using Energy from Respiration


Products of Photosynthesis

Limiting Factors

Carbon Cycle

Gas Exchange in Plants

History of DNA

Evidence for Human Evolution

Natural Selection




Human Reproduction

Reproduction in Plants

Fertilisation and Germination


B1/Characteristics and Classification of Living Organisms 

Concept and Use of a Classification System: DNA

Features of Organisms: The Five Kingdoms

Features of Organisms: Why do we Classify? And what is a Species?

Features of organisms: The Cell Cycle

Features of Organisms: Viruses

B2/Organisation of the Organism

Cell Structure and Organisation: Cell Structures and Microscopes

Levels of Organisation: Cell Differentiation

B3/Movement In and Out of Cells

Diffusion: Diffusion and Active Transport


B4/Biological Molecules



Organisation: Enzymes

B6/Plant Nutrition


Photosynthesis: Products of Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis: Limiting Factors

Leaf Structure: Plant Organs

Mineral Requirements: Plant Growth

B7/Human Nutrition

Chemical Digestion: Digestive Enzymes

B8/Transport in Plants


B9/Transport in Animals

Heart: Heart Disease and Risk Factors

Blood: What is Blood?

Blood: Monoclonal Antibodies

B10/Diseases and Immunity

Body Defence

Disease Prevention

The Immune Response



B11/Gas Exchange in Humans

Gas Exchange In Humans



Using Energy from Respiration

Protein Synthesis

Aerobic Respiration

Anaerobic Respiration

B13/Excretion in Humans


B14/Coordination and Response

Nervous control in humans: The Central Nervous System

Nervous control in humans: Receptors and Effectors

Nervous control in humans: The Reflex Arc

Nervous control in humans: Reflexes

Nervous control in humans: Synapses

Hormones in humans: Hormones


Homeostasis: Type 1 Diabetes


Medicinal Drugs: Antimicrobials and Antibiotics

Medicinal Drugs: Resistance


Asexual Reproduction: Cloning (Animals)

Sexual Reproduction in Plants: Reproduction in Plants

Sexual Reproduction in Plants: Pollination

Sexual Reproduction in Plants: Fertilisation and Germination

Reproduction: Human Reproduction

Sexual Reproduction in Humans: Sperm and Egg

Methods of Birth Control in Humans: Controlling Fertility

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)


Chromosomes, Genes and Proteins: DNA

Chromosomes, Genes and Proteins: Genes



Monohybrid Inheritance: Alleles

Monohybrid Inheritance: Sex Inheritance

Monohybrid Inheritance

B18/Variation and Selection

Variation: Genetic Variation

Adaptive Features: Adaptations

Selection: Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

Selection: Natural Selection

Selection: Selective Breeding

B19/Organisms and Their Environment 

Energy Flow: Energy Transfer

Food Chains and Food Webs: Food Chains and Webs

Nutrient Cycles: Carbon Cycle

Nutrient Cycles: The Water Cycle

Population Size: Competition

Population size: Global Population Change

B20/Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

Biotechnology: Microorganisms for Food

Genetic Engineering

B21/Human Influences on Ecosystems 

Food Supply: Sustainable Food

Food Supply: Modern Farming

Habitat Destruction: Maintaining Ecosystems and Preventing Ecosystem Loss

Habitat Destruction: Deforestation & Peat Removal

Pollution: Waste from Human Activities

Pollution: Eutrophication

Conservation: Towards a Sustainable Use of Resources

Conservation: Sustainability


Conservation: Variation

Conservation: Extinction

Getting Ready for A Level – Biology


Lock-and-Key Hypothesis




Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

Natural Selection


Cell Structures and Microscopes

Monohybrid Inheritance

The Cell Cycle



Stem Cells

Diffusion and Active Transport


Surface-Area-To-Volume Ratio

Aerobic Respiration

Anaerobic Respiration

Using Energy from Respiration


Products of Photosynthesis

Limiting Factors

Gas Exchange in Plants


The Circulatory System

Antimicrobials and Antibiotics

Monoclonal Antibodies



Chemistry (Sciences)


The Particulate Nature of Matter

Bonding, Structure and the Properties of Matter

Experimental Techniques

Chemical Analysis

Chemical Energetics

Energy Changes


Using Resources

Air and Water

Chemistry of the Atmosphere

Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

Physics (Sciences)


General & Thermal Physics



Particle Model of Matter

Properties of Waves, including Light and Sound 


Electricity and Magnetism 


Magnetism and Electromagnetism

Atomic Physics

Atomic Structure

Combined Science (Sciences)

Combined Science






Inheritance, Variation and Evolution

Infection and Response

Homeostasis and Response


Cell Biology

Human Influences on the Ecosystem



Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

Air and Water 

Using Resources

Chemistry of the Atmosphere


Chemical Changes

Bonding, Structure and the Properties of Matter

The Periodic Table

Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table

Chemical Reactions

The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change

Quantitative Chemistry

Energetics of a Reaction 

Energy Changes

Experimental Techniques

Chemical Analysis


Electricity and Electric Circuits


Sound, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Light and Waves


Matter, Thermal Properties and Simple Kinetic Molecular Model of Matter

Particle Model of Matter

Energy, Power, Matters, Forces and Motion



Co ordinated Science (Sciences)


Co-ordination and Response

The Central Nervous System

Receptors and Effectors

The Reflex Arc

The Eye


Type 1 Diabetes




Uses of Plant Hormones



Products of Photosynthesis

Plant Growth

Plant Organs

Importance of Diet

Functional Foods

Food Tests

The Digestive System

Digestive Enzymes





Sex Inheritance



Monohybrid Inheritance

Genetic Variation


Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Part 1

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Part 2

Natural Selection


Reproduction in Plants


Fertilisation and Germination

Cloning (Plants)

Human Reproduction

Sperm and Egg


Development of the Fetus

Giving Birth

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Cloning (Animals)


Cell Structures and Microscopes

Diffusion and Active Transport


Human Influences on the Ecosystem

Maintaining Ecosystems and Preventing Ecosystem Loss

Waste from Human Activities

Modern Farming




Gas Exchange in Humans


Protein Synthesis

Aerobic Respiration

Anaerobic Respiration

Using Energy from Respiration

Exercise & Respiration

Energy Flow in Ecosystems

Food Chains and Webs

Energy Transfer

Carbon Cycle





The Circulatory System Part 1

The Circulatory System Part 2

What is Blood?

Heart Disease and Risk Factors

Characteristics of Living Organisms

Characteristics of Living Things


The Periodic Table

The Periodic Table

Elements in the Periodic Table

Group 1: Alkali Metals

Reactivity in Group 1

Group 7: The Halogens

Reactivity in Group 7

Transition Metals

The Noble Gases

Atoms, Elements and Compounds

Atomic Structure

Electronic Structure

Isotopes and Relative Atomic Mass

Ionic bonding

Ionic Compounds

Covalent Bonding

Simple & Giant Covalent Substances


Empirical Formulae

Formula of Ionic Compounds

Representing Chemical Reactions

Relative Formula Mass and Percentage By Mass


Concentration and Solutions

Testing for Ions in Solutions

Chemical Reactions

Reacting Masses

Rates Of Reaction & Collision Theory

Effect of Concentration and Pressure



Energetics of a Reaction

Exothermic & Endothermic Reactions

Experimental Techniques

Chromatography and Synthesis & Extraction of Chemicals

Electricity and Chemistry


Events at the Electrodes

Uses of Electrolysis

Electrolysis of Hydrochloric Acid and Electrolysis of Brine


Uses of Limestone

The Limestone Cycle

Acids, Bases and Salts

Acids and Bases



Making Salts


Properties of Metals


Metals & Ores

Aluminium and Titanium

Traditional Extraction Methods


Air and Water

Testing for Water

Purifying Water

The Atmosphere: Past and Present


Carbon Dioxide

Problems With Polymers

Using Fertilisers

Organic Chemistry



Carboxylic Acids


Crude Oil




Properties of Polymers

Condensation Polymerisation


Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid


Energy, Work and Power

Energy Stores and Transfers

Work Done (Part 1)

Work Done (Part 2)

What is Energy?

Gravitational Potential Energy

Elastic Potential Energy



Momentum & Collisions

Power Stations





Hydraulics & Pneumatics

Transfer of Thermal Energy



Thermal Radiation

Matter and Thermal Properties

Heat & Temperature

Changes of State

Thermal Expansion

Specific Heat Capacity

Specific Latent Heat

Simple Kinetic Molecular Model of Matter

States of Matter

Kinetic Theory


Isotopes and the Periodic Table

Protons, Neutrons & Quarks

Alpha Particles

Beta Particles

Background Radiation

Gamma Rays

Radioactive Decay, Transmutation & Randomness

Dangers of Radioactivity



Like & Unlike Charges

Conductors & Insulators


Waves: Analogue and Digital Sound

Factors Affecting Resistance

Insulation and Fuses

Electric Circuits

Electronics and Circuit symbols

Series & Parallel Circuits

Resistor Combinations

LEDs & Diodes

Electromagnetic Effects

Electromagnets and Solenoids

Left Hand Rule and Right Hand Rule

Electromagnetic Induction


Power in the National Grid


Magnetic Fields



Object, Image and Focal Point; Concave and Convex Mirrors


Total Internal Reflection

Ray Diagrams

Optical Fibres and Communications

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Wireless Signals

The Effect of Wavelength

Radio Waves




Gamma Radiation

Matters and Forces

Mass and Weight


Newton’s Second Law

Hooke’s Law

Resultant Forces

Equilibrium and Gas Pressure


Types of Wave

Wavelength and the Wave Formula

Wavelength of a Wave



Distance/Time Graphs


Velocity/Time Graphs


Hearing Sound

Light & Sound in Different Substances

Loudness and Pitch

Amplitude of a Wave

Frequency of a Wave

Biology Practicals

Using a Light Microscope to Observe, Draw and Label

Rates of Enzyme-Controlled Reactions

Investigate the Relationship Between Organisms and Their Environment using Field-Work Techniques

Using Qualitative Reagents to Test for a Range of Carbohydrates, Lipids and Proteins

Investigate the Effect of Antiseptics or Antibiotics on Bacterial Growth Using Agar Plates

Investigate the Effect of a Range of Concentrations of Salt or Sugar Solutions on the Mass of Plant Tissue

Investigate the Effect of a Factor on Human Reaction Time

Investigate the Rate of Respiration in Living Organisms (OCR)

Investigate the Effect of Light or Gravity on the Growth of Newly Germinated Seedlings

Examining Arteries and Veins Using a Light Microscope

Investigation into Factors Affecting Decomposition

Simple Extraction of DNA from Living Material

Dissection of a Mammalian Kidney

Investigation Into Factors Affecting Transpiration

Investigation into Variation in Organisms

Investigation of the Energy Content of Foods

Investigating the Factors Affecting the Rate of Photosynthesis-1

Chemistry Practicals

Preparation of a Pure, Dry Sample of Salt from an Insoluble Oxide or Carbonate

Investigation Into Factors Affecting the Rates of Reactions

Investigate What Happens When Aqueous Solutions Are Electrolysed Using Inert Electrodes

Investigate the Electrolysis of Copper Sulfate Solution with Inert Electrodes and Copper Electrodes

Determination of the Reacting Volumes of Solutions of a Strong Acid and a Strong Alkali by Titration

Use of Chemical Tests to Identify the Ions in Unknown Single Ionic Compounds

Investigate How Paper Chromatography Can Be Used to Separate and Tell the Difference Between Coloured Substances

Separation of Liquids by Distillation

Determination of the Amount of Energy Released by a Fuel

Determination of Relative Reactivities of Metals Through Displacement Reactions

Investigation into the Effect of Various Catalysts on the Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide

Investigate the Variables that Affect Temperature Changes in Reacting Solutions

Investigate the Change in pH on Adding Powdered Calcium Hydroxide or Calcium Oxide to a Fixed Volume of Dilute Hydrochloric Acid

Determination of a Melting Point for a Pure and Impure Substance

Determination of the Percentage of Water in a Hydrated Salt

Determination of the Amount of Hardness in Water Using Soap Solution

Investigation of Thermal Stabilities of Calcium Carbonate, Copper(II) Carbonate & Sodium Carbonate

Physics Practicals

An Investigation to Find the Wavelength, Frequency and Speed of Waves in a Solid and a Liquid

Investigating the Current–Voltage (I–V) Characteristics of a Component

An Investigation to Determine the Specific Heat Capacity of One or More Materials

Investigate the Relationship Between Force, Mass and Acceleration by Varying the Masses Added to Trolleys and the Force Pulling the Trolley

Investigate the Reflection of Light by Different Types of Surface and the Refraction of Light by Different Substances

Investigate the Effectiveness of Different Materials as Thermal Insulators

Investigate How the Amount of Infrared Radiation Emitted or Absorbed by a Surface Depends on the Nature of that Surface

Investigation of the Output of an Iron-Cored Transformer

Investigation of the Variation of the Volume of a Gas with Temperature

Investigation of the Images in Convex and Concave Lenses

Investigation of the Terminal Speed of a Falling Object

Investigation of the Principle of Moments

Determination of the Half-Life of a Model Radioactive Source

Investigate the Relationship Between Force and Extension for a Spring

Investigating Resistance


Geography (Humanities)

History (Humanities)

Business (Vocational)

Computer Science (Vocational)

ICT (Vocational)

Types and Components of Computer Systems

Types of Computer, Emerging Technologies and HICs

Hardware and Software

Input and Output Devices

Input and Output Devices

Networks and the effects of using them

Networks and the Effects of Using Them

The Effects of Using IT

The effects of Using IT

ICT Applications

ICT Applications

ICT Applications/ Libraries, Medicine and Retail

ICT Applications/Systems

Safety and Security

Safety and Security





File Management

File Management

Document Production

Document Production



Data Analysis

Data Analysis

Data Manipulation

Data Manipulation

Website Authoring

Website Authoring

Achieve Maths-Pre IGCSE/GED (Supplementary)

Achieve English-Pre IGCSE (Supplementary)

Achieve English


Module 1: Reading for Understanding: Fiction

Lesson 1: Reading Narrative Writing

Lesson 2: Interpreting Characters

Lesson 3: Reading and Interpreting Atmospheric Description

Module 2: Creative Writing, Punctuation and Sentences

Lesson 1: Descriptive Writing – The Basics

Lesson 2: Descriptive Writing – More Advanced Techniques

Lesson 3: Narrative Writing – The Basics

Lesson 4: Narrative Writing – More Advanced Techniques

Module 3: Comprehension and Using Textual Detail

Lesson 1: Identifying and Interpreting Explicit and Implicit Information and Ideas

Lesson 2: Implicit Meaning and Inference Skills

Module 4: Writing About Structure

Lesson 1: Literary Devices and the Effects Used by Writers

Lesson 2: Writing About the Effects of Structure

Module 5: Evaluating the Text

Lesson 1: Evaluating Texts -The Basics

Lesson 2: Developing Approaches to Evaluation

Module 6: Reading for Understanding: Non-fiction

Lesson 1: An Overview of 19th Century Non-Fiction

Lesson 2: Reading Biographies and Autobiographies

Lesson 3: Reading Articles

Module 7: Transactional Writing and Crafting

Lesson 1: Writing to Argue and Persuade

Lesson 2: Writing Articles

Lesson 3: Writing Speeches

Module 8: Synthesis and Summary

Lesson: Synthesis and Summary

Module 9: Writer’s Use of Language and Structure: Non-fiction

Lesson: Language and Structure: Non-Fiction

Module 10: Comparing Texts

Lesson 1: Basic Comparison

Lesson 2: Effects of Language

Module 11: Writing to Present a Viewpoint and Crafting Your Writing

Lesson 1: Writing to Present a Viewpoint

Lesson 3: Crafting Your Writing

Module 12: Language, Punctuation and Sentence

Lesson 1: Punctuation

Lesson 2: Sentences

Lesson 3: Language and Sentences: Taking Things Further

English Literature (Supplementary)


A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry




Structure, Language and Dramatic Techniques


Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

About the Author


Plot Overview: Act 1

Plot Overview: Act 2

Plot Overview: Act 3

Plot Overview: Act 4

Plot Overview: Act 5

Characters: Romeo

Characters: Juliet

Characters: Mercutio

Characters: Benvolio

Characters: Paris

Characters: Tybalt

Characters: Lord and Lady Capulet

Characters: Friar Laurence

Characters: The Nurse

Characters: Rosaline and The Prince

Minor Characters

Characters: Family Trees

Performance and Adaptations

Setting and Staging

Themes: Love and Hate

Themes: Fate

Themes: Conflict

Themes: Family

Themes: Youth and Age

Key Quotes (Acts 1, 2 and 3)

Key Quotes (Acts 4 and 5)

Dramatic Techniques 

Form and Structure


Poetry – Carol Ann Duffy

Originally by Carol Ann Duffy

We Remember Your Childhood Well by Carol Ann Duffy

In Your Mind by Carol Ann Duffy

The Good Teachers by Carol Ann Duffy

A Child’s Sleep by Carol Ann Duffy

Prayer by Carol Ann Duffy

Head of English by Carol Ann Duffy

Recognition by Carol Ann Duffy

Foreign by Carol Ann Duffy 

Stealing by Carol Ann Duffy

In Mrs Tilscher’s Class by Carol Ann Duffy

Death of a Teacher by Carol Ann Duffy

The Darling Letters by Carol Ann Duffy

Poetry – Songs Of Ourselves Vol.1, Part 3

Farmhand by James K. Baxter

The Three Fates by Rosemary Dobson

Caged Bird by Maya Angelou

Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden

Muliebrity by Sujata Bhatt

Plenty by Isobel Dixon

Rising Five by Norman Nicholson

Amends by Adrienne Rich

Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney

Sonnet 29 by Edna St Vincent Millay

Little Boy Crying by Mervyn Morris

Marrysong by Dennis Scott

She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways by William Wordsworth

Not Waving But Drowning by Stevie Smith

Wider Reading 

1984 by George Orwell

Nineteen Eighty-Four: Context and Themes

Nineteen Eighty-Four: Plot

Nineteen Eighty-Four: Characters

Nineteen Eighty-Four: Setting, Symbolism, Structure and Literary Devices

Information Technologies (Supplementary)

Initiate and Plan: Understand the Tools and Techniques that can be Used to Initiate and Plan Solutions: 

The Life Cycle





Execute: Understand the Factors to be Considered When Collecting, Processing and Storing Data and Information

Keeping Data Safe


Computer-Related Laws 1

Computer-Related Laws 2

Quality of Data

Execute: Understand How Data and Information Can be Collected, Stored and Used

Data, Information and Knowledge

Collecting Data and Information

Data Handling Applications

Secondary Storage

Impact of IT on Leisure

Impact of IT on Society

IT in Law Enforcement

IT in Medicine

IT in Education

IT in the Retail Industry

Execute: To be Able to Import and Manipulate Data to Develop a Solution to Meet an Identified Need

Database Fundamentals


External Data for Databases

Database Forms

Database Queries 1

Database Queries 2

Database Reports

Data Validation

Introduction to Spreadsheets

External Data for Spreadsheets

Spreadsheet Formulae


Spreadsheet Functions

Spreadsheet Formatting



Test Plans

Test Data

Testing a System


Communicate: Understand the Different Methods of Processing Data and Presenting Information

Choosing an Application

Communicate: To be Able to Select and Present Information in the Development of the Solution to Meet an Identified Need

Introduction to Document Production

Document Content

Document Formatting

Mail Merge

External Data for Documents

Reviewing Documents

Master Slides

Presentation Content

Printing and Delivering Presentations

External Data for Presentation Software

HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Designing Good-Quality Websites

Iterative Review and Final Review: To be Able to Iteratively Review the Development of the Solution

Reviewing Outcomes

Physical Education (Supplementary)

Getting Ready for International GCSE – PE

Getting Ready for International GCSE) – Intro

Health-Related Components of Fitness: Cardiovascular Endurance, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Body Composition and Flexibility

Skill-Related Components of Fitness: Agility, Speed, Power, Reaction Time, Co-ordination and Balance

A Balanced Diet

Healthy Lifestyles

Minimising the Risk of Injury

Structure and Function of a Skeleton

Use of Data

The Positive Impact of the Media and Sponsorship

The Negative Impact of the Media and Sponsorship

Main Muscles in the Body

Antagonist Muscle Action

Applied Anatomy and Physiology 1

The Structure and Functions of the Skeletal System

The Main Bones in the Body

Structure and Function of a Skeleton

How Do Synovial Joints Help to Produce Movement?

The Structure and Function of the Muscular System

Main Muscles in the Body

Antagonist Muscle Action

Movement Analysis

Types of Levers

Planes and Axes of Movement

Mechanical Advantage of Levers

The Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems

Blood Vessels in the Body

The Structure of the Heart and the Cardiac Cycle

Mechanics of Breathing

Structure of the Respiratory System and Gaseous Exchange

How Can We Measure the Efficiency of our Heart?

Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise

Effects of Exercise on the Body Systems

Immediate and Short-Term Effects of Exercise

Long-Term Effects of Exercise

Socio-Cultural Influences 1

Engagement Patterns of Different Social Groups in Physical Activities and Sports

Social Groupings: Gender and Ethnicity

Social Groupings: Age and Disability


Sports Psychology 1

Classification of Skills

Goal Setting and SMART Targets

Mental Preparation for Performance



Physical Training 1

Components of Fitness

Measuring the Components of Fitness: Co-ordination, Flexibility and Muscular Endurance

Measuring the Components of Fitness: Strength and Speed

Components of Fitness: Agility, Balance, Cardiovascular Endurance, Coordination and Flexibility

Components of Fitness: Muscular Endurance, Power, Reaction Time, Speed and Strength

Measuring the Components of Fitness: Types of Data, Agility, Balance and Cardiovascular Endurance

Measuring the Components of Fitness: Power and Reaction Time

Applied Anatomy and Physiology 2

The structure and functions of the musculo-skeletal system

Structure and Function of a Skeleton

The Main Bones in the Body

How Do Synovial Joints Help to Produce Movement?

Main Muscles in the Body

Antagonist Muscle Action

The structure and functions of the cardio-respiratory system

The Structure of the Heart and the Cardiac Cycle

Blood Vessels in the Body

Structure of the Respiratory System and Gaseous Exchange

Anaerobic and aerobic exercise

Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise

Immediate and Short-Term Effects of Exercise

Movement Analysis 1

Lever Systems, Examples of their Use in Activity and the Mechanical Advantage they Provide in Movement

Lever Systems

Mechanical Advantage and Disadvantage of the Body’s Lever Systems

Physical Training 2

The Long-Term Effects of Exercise

The Long-Term Effects of Exercise

The relationship between health and fitness and the role that exercise plays in both

The Relationship Between Health and Fitness

The components of fitness, benefits for sport and how fitness is measured and improved

Components of Fitness: Agility, Balance, Cardiovascular Endurance, Coordination and Flexibility

Components of Fitness: Muscular Endurance, Power, Reaction Time, Speed and Strength

How Do We Measure Fitness and What Limitations Could This Have?

Measuring the Components of Fitness: Types of Data, Agility, Balance and Cardiovascular Endurance

Measuring the Components of Fitness: Coordination, Flexibility and Muscular Endurance

Measuring the Components of Fitness: Power and Reaction Time

Measuring the Components of Fitness: Maximal Strength, Strength and Speed

The principles of training and their application to personal exercise/training programmes

The Principles of Training and Overload

What Do I Need To Consider When Planning a Training Programme?

Circuit Training

Continuous Training

Fartlek Training

Interval and High Intensity Interval Training

Static Stretching

Weight Training

Plyometric Training

Effective use of warm up and cool down

Effective Use of Warm-Up and Cool-Down

Applied Anatomy and Physiology 3

The Structure and Functions of the Musculoskeletal System

The Main Bones in the Body

Structure and Function of a Skeleton

Main Muscles in the Body

How Do Synovial Joints Help to Produce Movement?

Antagonist Muscle Action

The Structure and Functions of the Cardio-respiratory System

Structure of the Respiratory System and Gaseous Exchange

Blood Vessels in the Body

The Structure of the Heart and the Cardiac Cycle

How Can We Measure the Efficiency of our Heart?

Mechanics of Breathing

How Do We Interpret a Spirometer Trace?

Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise

Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise

Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption

The Recovery Process From Vigorous Exercise

The Short and Long Term Effects of Exercise

Immediate and Short-Term Effects of Exercise

The Long-Term Effects of Exercise

Health, Fitness and Well-Being 1

Physical, Emotional and Social Health

Being Healthy: What Does It Mean?


Sedentary Lifestyles and Obesity

Energy Use, Diet and Nutrition

Energy Use and Water Balance

A Balanced Diet

Socio-Cultural Influences 2

Sports Psychology

Classification of Skills

Goal Setting and SMART Targets

Basic Information Processing



Mental Preparation for Performance

Aggression in Sport

Personality Types

Motivation in Sport

Socio-Cultural Influences

Social Groupings: Gender and Ethnicity

Social Groupings: Age and Disability

Social Groupings: Friends and Family

Commercialisation of Physical Activity and Sport

The Positive Impact of the Media and Sponsorship

The Negative Impact of the Media and Sponsorship

The Impact of Technology in Sport

Ethical Issues in Sport

Conduct of Performers

Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Categories, Blood Doping and Beta Blockers

Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Prohibited Substances

Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Advantages and Disadvantages

Spectator Behaviour


Use of Data

Collection and Presentation

How is Data Collected, Presented and Evaluated?

Health, Fitness and Well-Being 2 -2 titles

Energy use, diet, nutrition and hydration2 pods

A Balanced Diet

Energy Use and Water Balance

The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle1 pod

Sedentary Lifestyles and Obesity

Socio-cultural influences 3

Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport

Conduct of Performers

Commercialisation of physical activity and sport

Commercialisation of Physical Activity and Sport

Engagement patterns of different social groups in physical activity and sport

Social Groupings: Gender and Ethnicity

Social Groupings: Age and Disability

Social Groupings: Friends and Family

Movement Analysis 2

Lever Systems

Types of Levers

Mechanical Advantage of Levers

Planes and Axes of Movement

Planes and Axes of Movement

Physical Training 3

The Relationship Between Health and Fitness and the Role that Exercise Plays in Both

The Relationship Between Health and Fitness

How Is Fitness Measured and Improved?

Components of Fitness: Agility, Balance, Cardiovascular Endurance, Coordination and Flexibility

Components of Fitness: Muscular Endurance, Power, Reaction Time, Speed and Strength

How Do We Measure Fitness and What Limitations Could This Have?

Measuring the Components of Fitness: Types of Data, Agility, Balance and Cardiovascular Endurance

Measuring the Components of Fitness: Coordination, Flexibility and Muscular Endurance

Measuring the Components of Fitness: Power and Reaction Time

Measuring the Components of Fitness: Maximal Strength, Strength and Speed

Principles of Training

The Principles of Training and Overload

Types of Training

Circuit Training

Continuous Training

Fartlek Training

Interval and High Intensity Interval Training

Static Stretching

Weight Training

Plyometric Training

High Altitude Training

Training Considerations

What Do I Need To Consider When Planning a Training Programme?

Training Seasons

What Are Training Seasons?

Effective Use of Warm Up and Cool Down1 pod

Effective Use of Warm-Up and Cool-Down

Sport Psychology 2

Guidance and feedback on and mental preparation for performance



Mental Preparation for Performance

The use of goal setting and SMART targets to improve and/or optimise performance

Goal Setting and SMART Targets

Classification of skills (basic/complex, open/closed)

Classification of Skills

Legacy Content

PE, Sport and Competition: Concepts & Processes

PE, Sport and Competition: School


PE, Sport and Competition: Roles

Balanced Active Healthy Lifestyles: Factors Affecting Health

Balanced Active Healthy Lifestyles: Making Informed Choices

Components of Fitness

Training Principles

Training Methods


Methods of Exercise

Fitness, Training and Exercise: Short Term Effects

Fitness, Training and Exercise: Long Term Effects

Fitness, Training and Exercise: Demands of Performance

Learning and Developing Skills

Evaluating Skills

Body Systems: The Skeletal System

Body Systems: Muscular System

Body Systems: Respiratory and Circulatory


Opportunities and Pathways

Getting Ready for A Level -PE

Getting Ready for KS5 (A Level) -Intro

Types of Levers

Body Planes and Axes

The Structure of the Heart and the Cardiac Cycle

Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise

Long-Term Effects of Exercise

Muscle Fibre Types

Antagonist Muscle Action

Mental Preparation for Performance


Drugs in Sport

The Negative Effects of Taking Drugs in Sport

Factors to Consider When Planning a Training Programme

The Principles of Training

Circuit Training

Continuous Training

Fartlek Training

Interval Training

Fitness Classes

Weight Training

Plyometric Training

Health and Fitness (Supplementary)

Unit 1: LO1: The Structure and Function of Body Systems and how they apply to Health and Fitness

Skeletal System

The Main Bones in the Body

Structure and Function of a Skeleton

How Do Synovial Joints Help to Produce Movement?

Structure of Spine and Posture

Muscular System

Main Muscles in the Body

Antagonist Muscle Action

Types of Muscle

Muscle Fibre Types

Respiratory System

Mechanics of Breathing

How Do We Interpret a Spirometer Trace?

Structure of the Respiratory System and Gaseous Exchange

Cardiovascular System

Blood Vessels in the Body

The Structure of the Heart and the Cardiac Cycle

How Can We Measure the Efficiency of Our Heart?

Blood Pressure

Energy Systems

Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise

Unit 1: LO2: Effects of Health and Fitness Activities on the Body

Effects of Health and Fitness Activities on the Body

Immediate and Short-Term Effects of Exercise

Long-Term Effects of Exercise

Unit 1: LO3: Health and Fitness and The Components of Fitness

Health and Fitness

The Relationship Between Health and Fitness

Being Healthy: What Does It Mean?

Components of Fitness


Health-Related Components of Fitness: Cardiovascular Endurance, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Body Composition and Flexibility

Skill-Related Components of Fitness: Agility, Speed, Power, Reaction Time, Co-ordination and Balance

Unit 1: LO4: Principles of Training

Principles of Training

The Principles of Training and Overload

Unit 2: LO1: The Impact of Lifestyle on Health and Fitness

Lifestyle Factors

Sedentary Lifestyles and Obesity

Energy Use and Water Balance

Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Categories, Blood Doping and Beta Blockers

Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Prohibited Substances 1

Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Prohibited Substances 2

Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Advantages and Disadvantages

A Balanced Diet


Rest and Recovery

Lifestyle Factors

Unit 2: LO2: Testing and Developing Components of Fitness

Fitness Testing

Measuring the Components of Fitness: Types of Data, Agility, Balance and Cardiovascular Endurance

Measuring the Components of Fitness: Coordination, Flexibility and Muscular Endurance

Measuring the Components of Fitness: Power and Reaction Time

Measuring the Components of Fitness: Maximal Strength, Strength and Speed

Using Data

Training Methods

Circuit Training

Continuous Training

Fartlek Training

Interval and High Intensity Interval Training

Weight Training

Optimising a Health and Fitness Programme

Repetitions and Sets

Unit 2: LO3: Health and Fitness Analysis and Goal Setting

Health and Fitness Analysis and Goal Setting

Goal Setting and SMART Targets

Health and Fitness Analysis Tools

Unit 2: LO4: The Structure of a Health and Fitness Programme and How to Prepare Safely

The Structure of a Health and Fitness Programme

What Do I Need To Consider When Planning a Training Programme?

Effective Use of Warm Up and Cool Down

The Session Card

Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Music Theory (Supplementary)

Getting Ready for International GCSE Music Theory

Getting Ready for International GCSE -Intro, Rests, Ties and Dotted Notes

Notes on the Stave

Performance Directions


Bar Lines and Time Signatures

Semitones and Tones

Degrees of the Scale and Intervals

The Scales and Key Signatures of C, G, D and F Major

Time Values

Composing an Answering Rhythm

Music Theory: Grade 1

Grade 1 Part 1

Introduction and Time Values

Notes on the Stave

Bar Lines and Time Signatures

Rests, Ties and Dotted Notes

Accidentals, Summary and Web Links

Grade 1 Part 2

Introduction, Semitones and Tones

The Scales and Key Signatures of C, G, D and F Major

Degrees of the Scale and Intervals

Composing an Answering Rhythm

Performance Directions, Summary and Web Links

Grade 1 Testbites

Grade 1 Testbites

Music Theory: Grade 2

Grade 2 Part 1

Introduction and Ledger Lines

More Complex Time Signatures

The major keys of A, Bb and Eb

Triplets and, The minor keys of A, E and D

Summary and Web Links

Grade 2 Part 2

Introduction, Grouping Notes and Rests


Composing Simple Four-bar Rhythms

Performance Directions

Summary and Web Links

Grade 2 Testbites

Grade 2 Testbites

Music Theory: Grade 3

Grade 3 Part 1

Introduction and Demisemiquavers


Major keys with four sharps or flats and Minor keys with four sharps or flats

Beyond two ledger lines and Transposition

Summary and Web Links

Grade 3 Part 2

Introduction and Compound Time

Four Bar Rhythms

Simple Phrase Structure

Performance Directions

Summary and Web Links

Grade 3 Testbites

Grade 3 Testbites

Music Theory: Grade 4

Grade 4 Part 1

Introduction and Time Signatures

The Alto Clef

Double Sharps and Double Flats

Breves, Double Dots and Duplets

Keys with Five Sharps or Flats

Four Bar Rhythms

Summary and Web Links

Grade 4 Part 2

Introduction, Triads and Chords on I, IV and V

Intervals and Writing a Rhythm to Words

The Chromatic Scale and Ornaments

Orchestral Families and Clefs

Performance Directions

Summary and Web Links

Grade 4 Testbites

Grade 4 Testbites

Music Theory: Grade 5

Grade 5 Part 1

Introduction and Irregular Time Signatures

Tenor Clef

Major and Minor Keys up to Six Sharps and Flats

Transposition and Voices in Score

More Irregular Time Divisions

Summary and Web Links

Grade 5 Part 2

Introduction and Intervals

Naming Chords

Composing a Melody

Ornaments and Chords at Cadential Points

Performance Directions

Summary and Web Links

Grade 5 Testbites

Grade 5 Testbites

Getting Ready for A Level

Getting Ready for A Levels Music -Intro

Irregular Time Signatures

Tenor Clef

Major and Minor Keys up to Six Sharps and Flats


Voices in Score

More Irregular Time Divisions


Naming Chords

Composing a Melody


Chords at Cadential Points

Performance Directions

Food Preparation and Nutrition (Supplementary)

Getting Ready for International GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition

Getting Ready for International GCSE -Intro

Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 1

Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 2

Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 3

Food Choices: Religion & Culture

Food Labelling: Part 1

British Cuisine

Food Sources: Part 1

Local, Seasonal and GM Food

Food and the Environment

Knife Skills

Food Preparation Skills

General Practical Skills

Preparing to Cook

Testing the Readiness of Food

Tasting, Seasoning and Presentation Techniques

Knife Skills

Knife Skills

Preparing Fruit and Vegetables

Preparing Fruits and Vegetables

Food Preparation and Cooking Techniques

Preparation Skills

Preparation Skills: Part 1

Preparation Skills: Part 2

Food, Nutrition and Health

Nutritional Needs & Health

Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 1

Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 2

Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 3

Energy Needs

Carrying Out Nutritional Analysis & Modifying Recipes

Diet, Nutrition & Health: Cardiovascular Disease, Stroke, Obesity

Diet, Nutrition & Health: Bone & Dental Health, Anaemia, Diabetes





Food Science

Functional & Chemical Properties of Food

Properties of Protein

Properties of Carbohydrates

Properties of Fats and Oils

Properties of Fruits and Vegetables

Properties of Raising Agents

Cooking of Food & Heat Transfer

Why Food is Cooked

How Heat is Transferred to Food

Selecting Appropriate Cooking Methods: Water-Based

Selecting Appropriate Cooking Methods: Dry Methods

Selecting Appropriate Cooking Methods: Oil/Fat Based Methods

Food Safety

Principles of Food Safety

Buying Foods

Storing Foods

Preparing, Cooking and Serving Food

Food Spoilage & Contamination

Microorganisms and Enzymes

The Signs of Food Spoilage

Microorganisms in Food Production

Bacterial Contamination: Part 1

Bacterial Contamination: Part 2

Food Choice

British and International Cuisines

British Cuisine

International Cuisine: Italy and Spain

International Cuisine: Mexico and the USA

International Cuisine: China and India

Factors Affecting Food Choice

Factors Which Influence Food Choice: Part 1

Factors Which Influence Food Choice: Part 2

Factors Which Influence Food Choice: Part 3

Food Choices: Religion & Culture

Food Choices: Ethical Beliefs, Moral Beliefs

Food Choices: Intolerances and Allergies

Food Labelling: Part 1

Food Labelling: Part 2

Marketing Influences

Sensory Evaluation

Sensory Evaluation: Part 1

Sensory Evaluation: Part 2

Sensory Evaluation: Part 3

Food Provenance

Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Food

Food Sources: Part 1

Food Sources: Part 2

Local, Seasonal and GM Food

Food and the Environment

Sustainability of Food: Part 1

Sustainability of Food: Part 2

Food Processing and Production

Primary Stages of Processing: Fruits, Vegetables, Cereals

Primary Stages of Processing: Meat, Fish, Milk

Secondary Stages of Processing: Flour into Pasta and Bread

Secondary Stages of Processing: Fruit into Jam

Secondary Stages of Processing: Milk into Cheese and Yoghurt

Technological Developments Associated with Better Health and Food Production: Part 1

Technological Developments Associated with Better Health and Food Production: Part 2

Supplementary Resources

SR: Design & Market Issues

Labelling & Packaging, Social, Cultural, Environmental & Ethical Issues

SR: Designing Food Products

Investigating Design Opportunities

Product Analysis

Generating Ideas, Developing Ideas

Manufacturing Specification

SR: Food Processes

Combining Ingredients

Tools & Equipment

Processes & Techniques

Food Preservation

Large-Scale Manufacture

Storage of Food Products

Food Poisoning

Quality and HACCP

Hygiene & Safety

SR: Properties of Food Products



Fats & Oils


Acids & Alkalis

Vitamins & Minerals

Standard Components

Healthy Eating

Special Diets

New Technologies

Getting Ready for A Level Food Preparation and Nutrition

Getting Ready for A Levels -Intro

Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 1

Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 2

Making Informed Choices for a Varied and Balanced Diet: Part 3

Carrying Out Nutritional Analysis & Modifying Recipes

Diet, Nutrition & Health: Cardiovascular Disease, Stroke, Obesity

Diet, Nutrition & Health: Bone & Dental Health, Anaemia, Diabetes

Food Choices: Ethical Beliefs, Moral Beliefs

Food Choices: Intolerances and Allergies

Marketing Influences

Technological Developments Associated with Better Health and Food Production: Part 1

Design and Technology (Supplementary)

Getting Ready for International GCSE Design and Technology

Getting Ready for KS4 (GCSE) -Intro

Natural Timbers

Manufactured Timber Boards

Metals and Alloys

Thermoforming Polymers

Thermosetting Polymers

Material Properties

Primary Sources and Origins of Materials

The Six Rs

Generating Imaginative and Creative Design Ideas (Part 1)

Generating Imaginative and Creative Design Ideas (Part 2)

Exploring and Developing Ideas

Communicating Your Design Ideas: Part 1

Communicating Your Design Ideas: Part 2

Communicating Your Design Ideas: Part 3

Scales of Production

How to Shape and Form

Case Study: Marcel Breuer

Case Study: Norman Foster

Case Study: Alec Issigonis

Case Study: William Morris

Case Study: Gerrit Rietveld

Case Study: Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Case Study: Ettore Sottsass

Case Study: Philippe Starck

Case Study: Vivienne Westwood

Core Technical Principles

New and Emerging Technologies








Production Techniques & Systems: Part 1

Production Techniques & Systems: Part 2

Critical Evaluation of Design Decisions: Part 1

Critical Evaluation of Design Decisions: Part 2

Energy Generation and Storage

Fossil Fuels

Nuclear Power

Renewable Energy

Energy Storage Systems

Developments in New Materials

Modern Materials

Smart Materials

Composite Materials

Technical Textiles

Systems Approach to Designing

Inputs and Outputs


Mechanical Devices

Types of Movement

Changing Magnitude and Direction of Force: Levers

Changing Magnitude and Direction of Force: Linkages and Rotary Systems

Materials and Their Working Properties



Natural Timbers

Manufactured Timber Boards

Metals and Alloys

Thermoforming Polymers

Thermosetting Polymers

Textiles Part 1 – Natural Fibres

Textiles Part 2 – Synthetic Fibres and Blended Fibres

Textiles Part 3 – Constructing Fabrics

Material Properties

Designing and Making Principles

The Work of Others

Case Study: Gap

Case Study: Primark

Case Study: Under Armour

Case Study: Zara

Case Study: Alessi

Case Study: Apple

Case Study: Braun

Case Study: Dyson

Case Study: Coco Chanel

Case Study: Harry Beck

Case Study: Marcel Breuer

Case Study: Norman Foster

Case Study: Alec Issigonis

Case Study: William Morris

Case Study: Alexander McQueen

Case Study: Mary Quant

Case Study: Louis Comfort Tiffany

Case Study: Raymond Templier

Case Study: Gerrit Rietveld

Case Study: Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Case Study: Aldo Rossi

Case Study: Ettore Sottsass

Case Study: Philippe Starck

Case Study: Vivienne Westwood

Prototype Development

Prototype Development

Design Strategies

Generating Imaginative and Creative Design Ideas (Part 1)

Generating Imaginative and Creative Design Ideas (Part 2)

Exploring and Developing Ideas

Environmental, Social and Economic Challenges

Environmental, Social and Economic Challenges

Investigation, Primary and Secondary Data

Using Data to Understand Client and/or User Needs: Part 1

Using Data to Understand Client and/or User Needs: Part 2

Writing a Design Brief and Producing a Design and Manufacturing Specification

Papers and Boards



Material Management

Cutting Materials Efficiently and Minimising Waste

Using Marking-Out Methods, Data Points and Coordinates

Surface Treatments and Finishes

Surface Treatments and Finishes


Selection of Materials or Components

Choosing Materials or Components

Sources and Origins

Primary Sources and Origins of Materials

Using and Working With Materials

Properties of Materials and Modifying Properties for Specific Purposes

How to Shape and Form

Metal-Based Materials

Selection of Materials or Components

Choosing Materials or Components

Forces and Stress

Manipulating Materials and Objects to Work with Forces and Stress

Enhancing Materials to Resist and Work With Forces and Stress to Improve Functionality

Ecological and Social Footprint

Ecological Issues in Design and Manufacture

The Six Rs

Social Issues in Design and Manufacture

Sources and Origins

Primary Sources and Origins of Materials

Using and Working With Materials

Properties of Materials

Modifying Properties for Specific Purposes

Stock Forms, Types and Sizes

Stock Forms, Types and Sizes

Supplementary Resources (D&T)

Product Design: Optional Materials Part 2

Textiles Technology: Making Products

Textiles Technology: Designing Products

Textiles Technology: Design Considerations

Textiles Technology: Materials & Components

Product Design: Industrial & Commercial Practice

Product Design: Product Development: Making Products

Product Design: Design Influence

Product Design: Product Development: Designing Products

Product Design: Optional Materials

Product Design: Compulsory Materials

Graphic Products: Industrial Practices

Graphic Products: Making Products

Graphic Products: Designing Products

Graphic Products: Design Considerations

Graphic Products: Materials & Components

Resistant Materials: Industrial Processes

Resistant Materials: Design Considerations

Resistant Materials: Designing Products

Resistant Materials: Materials

Resistant Materials: Components and Finishing

Resistant Materials: Tools and Processes

Getting Ready for A Level Design and Technology

Case Study: William Morris

Case Study: Philippe Starck

Case Study: Raymond Templier

Case Study: Apple

Case Study: Braun

Case Study: Dyson

Case Study: Marcel Breuer

Case Study: Ettore Sottsass

Product Analysis

Exploring and Developing Ideas

Generating and Communicating Ideas

Design Movements

Generating Imaginative and Creative Design Ideas (Part 1)

Generating Imaginative and Creative Design Ideas (Part 2)

Critical Evaluation of Design Decisions: Part 1

Critical Evaluation of Design Decisions: Part 2

Production Techniques & Systems: Part 1

Production Techniques & Systems: Part 2

Properties of Materials and Modifying Properties for Specific Purposes

Primary Sources and Origins of Materials-1

Primary Sources and Origins of Materials-2


Legal and Moral Issues



Scale of Production


Rapid Prototyping

Prototype Development

Text for Drama (Supplementary)

Study Smart (Supplementary)

Keeping Fit and Healthy (Supplementary)

Creative iMedia (Supplementary)

Creative iMedia

Pre-Production Skills

Purpose and Content of Pre-Production

Elements of Pre-Production

Mood Boards, Mind Maps, and Visualisation Diagrams



Planning Pre-Production

Interpreting Client Requirements

Conducting Research

Making a Plan

Target Audience


Other Considerations

Making Pre-Production Documents

Analysing a Script

File Formats

Reviewing Pre-Production Documents

Reviewing Pre-Production Documents

Creating Digital Graphics 

Understanding Digital Graphics

Purpose and Audience

Image Types and File Formats

Properties of Graphics

Planning Digital Graphics

Client Requirements for a Graphic

A Work Plan for Graphics

Assets and Resources for Graphics

Creating Digital Graphics

Tools and Techniques for Graphics

File Formats and Compatibility

Reviewing Graphics

Reviewing Graphics

Creating 2D and 3D Digital Characters

Understanding Digital Characters

Uses of Digital Characters

Properties of Digital Characters

Planning Digital Characters

Client Requirements for a Digital Character

Assets and Resources for Digital Characters

A Work Plan for Digital Characters

A Test Plan for Digital Characters

Creating Digital Characters

Tools and Techniques for 2D Characters

Tools and Techniques for 3D Characters

File Formats for Digital Characters

Reviewing Digital Characters

Reviewing Digital Characters

Storytelling with a Comic Strip

Understanding Comic Strips

Introducing Comic Strips

Placement and Layout

Planning a Comic Strip

Client Requirements for a Comic Strip

Comic Strip Planning Documents

Assets and Resources for a Comic Strip

Creating a Comic Strip

Creating a Comic Strip

Reviewing a Comic Strip

Reviewing a Comic Strip

Creating a Multipage Website

Understanding Websites

Understanding Websites (Web Technologies)

Planning a Website

Client Requirements for a Website

Assets and Resources for a Website

A Work Plan for a Website

A Test Plan for a Website

Creating a Website

Website Prep Work

Web Page Content

Web Page Navigation

Publishing a Website

Reviewing a Website

Reviewing a Website

Creating a Digital Animation

Understanding Animation

Animation Types and Purposes

Animation Techniques

Planning an Animation

Client Requirements for an Animation

Animation Storyboarding

A Test Plan for an Animation

Assets and Resources for an Animation

Creating an Animation

Animation Tools and Techniques

File Formats for Animations

Reviewing an Animation

Reviewing an Animation

Creating Interactive Multimedia Products

Understanding Interactive Multimedia Products

Introducing Interactive Multimedia Products

Design Considerations of Interactive Multimedia Products

Planning a Multimedia Product

Client Requirements for a Multimedia Product

A Work Plan for a Multimedia Product

Designing a Multimedia Product

Assets and Resources for a Multimedia Product

A Test Plan for a Multimedia Product

Creating a Multimedia Product

Multimedia Techniques in PowerPoint

Multimedia File Formats

Reviewing a Multimedia Product

Reviewing a Multimedia Product

Creating a Digital Sound Sequence

Understanding Digital Sound

Sectors and Uses of Digital Audio Projects

Audio Files and Properties

Planning a Digital Sound Sequence

Client Requirements for a Digital Sound Sequence

A Work Plan for a Digital Sound Sequence

Equipment and Software for a Digital Sound Sequence

A Test Plan for a Sound Sequence

Creating a Digital Sound Sequence

Creating Digital Sound

Manipulating Digital Sound

Reviewing a Digital Sound Sequence

Reviewing a Digital Sound Sequence

Creating a Digital Video Sequence

Understanding Digital Video

Sectors and Uses of Digital Video Products

Video Files and Properties

Planning a Digital Video Sequence

Client Requirements for a Digital Video Sequence

A Work Plan for a Digital Video Sequence

Storyboards and Scripting

Creating a Digital Video Sequence

Shooting Video

Acquiring Video Assets

Editing, Importing and Exporting Video

Reviewing a Digital Video Sequence

Reviewing a Digital Video Sequence

Digital Photography

Understanding Digital Photography

Capabilities and Limitations of Cameras

Making Decisions as a Photographer

Planning a Photo Shoot

Client Requirements for a Photo Shoot

A Work Plan for a Photo Shoot

Taking and Displaying Digital Photographs

Taking Digital Photographs

Storage and Display of Digital Photographs

Reviewing Digital Photography

Reviewing Digital Photography

Designing a Game Concept

Game Types and Platforms

Types of Digital Game

Evolution of Games and Platforms

Planning a Game Concept

Client Requirements for a Game Concept

Generating Ideas for a Game Concept

Creating a Game Proposal

The Game Proposal

Reviewing a Game Proposal

Reviewing a Game Proposal 

Developing Digital Games

Game Creation Hardware and Software

Game Creation Software

Game Creation Hardware

Planning a Digital Game

Client Requirements for a Digital Game

Aspects of Game Creation

Test Planning for a Digital Game

Creating a Digital Game

Game Algorithms

Software and File Formats

Game Assets

Game Objects

Reviewing a Digital Game

Reviewing a Digital Game

Religious Studies (Supplementary)

Religious Studies

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