Study online for your International GCSE with CambriCollege

July 2021 Update

We love your feedback and are trying our best to do more for you! We are happy to announce we are authorised providers of GCSEPods incredible program,
Look out for our new shortened Assignments, online e- content platform with free Past Papers, free library books and more Check and Challenge quizzes coming.
Our students and parents are also enjoying their own personal Zoom meetings or group meetings to help parents plan their International GCSE year and to simplify all the necessary exam know how.
“Our daughter, Courtney, loves Cambricollege because she has been able to take an assortment of subjects which she really enjoys, without the pressure of exams.” – From a parent of one of our students doing Cambricollege through our GCSEPod program, but ending in a GED®.
“I must thank you for making it a bit easier for my students who are doing the International GCSE and GED® programs, they have been able to continue schooling throughout the chaos.”- Tutoring school.
“I’m happy to report that your course is very much enjoyed in our house – thank you for a wonderful product!” – Cambricollege parent.
From 1 July 2021 we will no longer use the quarterly system and your year will end exactly 12 months from when you pay- so feel free to enroll anytime of year.
Fees for enrolling will now be R6000 per annum from 1 July 2021 and your subscription will end 12 months after you have enrolled.