Study online for your International GCSE with CambriCollege

Extra Assignments 2

( Go to Study Guide)

English First Language

French (Foreign Language)

German (Foreign Language)

Spanish (Foreign Language)

Biology (Sciences)

Chemistry (Sciences)

Physics (Sciences)

Combined Science (Sciences)

Co ordinated Science (Sciences)


Geography (Humanities)

Getting Ready for International GCSE


Formation and Characteristics of Tropical Storms


Fluvial Processes

Meanders and Oxbow Lakes

Weathering and Mass Movement

Distribution and Character of Global Ecosystems: Part 1

Cave, Arch, Stack and Stump Formation

Marine Processes

Sustainable Management of Water

Urban Trends

Sustainable Management

Comparing the Italian and Nepalese Earthquake

Landforms of Transport and Deposition


Sustainable Energy in Peru

Social Indicators

Physical Characteristics

Economic Indicators

How Urbanisation Happens

Uneven Development Within the UK

Population and Settlement

Population Dynamics

Population and Settlement (Urbanisation)

Urbanisation (Part 2)

Urbanisation (Part 3: Mumbai: Growth)

Urbanisation (Part 3: Mumbai: Opportunities and Challenges; Sustainability)


Population Structure (Part 1)

Population Structure (Part 2: Demographic Transition)

Population Structure (Part 3: Population Distribution and Density)

Settlements (Rural and Urban) and Service Provision

Urban Settlements

The Natural Environment

Climate and Natural Vegetation (Part 1)

Climate and Natural Vegetation (Part 2)

Earthquakes and Volcanoes (Part 1)

Earthquakes and Volcanoes (Part 2)

Coasts (Part 1)

Coasts (Part 2)

Coasts (Part 3)


Economic Development

Tourism (Part 1: Types of Tourism)

Tourism (Part 2: Tourism in LEDCs & Environmental Issues)

Tourism (Part 3: The Future – Sustainable Tourism)

Tourism (Part 4: Tourism in Kenya)



Geographical Skills- Coming Soon!

Graph Skills

Map Skills

Cambridge IGCSE: Tips for Exam Success and Example Responses- Coming Soon!

Question Answering Skills

Cambridge IGCSE Paper 2

Case Studies

The Eruption of Merapi, 2010: Case Study

Typhoon Haiyan, 2013: Effects: Case Study

Typhoon Haiyan, 2013: Responses: Case Study

The Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, 2010: Case Study

Nepal Earthquake, 2015: Case Study

L’Aquila Earthquake, 2009: Case Study

Jurassic Coast: Case Study

River Tees: Case Study

Western Desert, USA: Case Study

Amazon Rainforest: Case Study

Mumbai: Context: Case Study

Mumbai: Growth & Ways of Life: Case Study

Mumbai: Opportunities and Challenges; Sustainability: Case Study

Hurricane Sandy: Case Study

Coursework- Coming soon!

The Route to Geographical Enquiry

Revision Skills and Tips

GCSEPod’s Top Revision Tips

Revision and Study Skills

Revision Tips

Supplementary Resources

SR: Case Study: Three Gorges Dam

SR: Water Supply

SR: Globalisation: Resources

SR: Case Study: Energy

SR: Energy

SR: Case Study: Ford: a TNC

SR: Case Study: South Korea: an NIC

SR: Globalisation: NICs and TNCs

SR: Development: Aid

SR: Development: Indicators

SR: Settlements

SR: Case Study: China’s One Child Policy

SR: Tourism

SR: Case Study: Ganges Delta – Calcutta

SR: Population & Resources

Getting Ready for A Level

Consequences of Uneven Development

Essential Resources

Plate Boundaries


The Characteristics of Polar Environments

Wilderness Areas in Cold Environments

Tropical Storms: Short and Long Term Impacts


Cold Environments: Management

Causes of Uneven Development


Causes of Human Climate Change

TNC Strategies for Reducing Uneven Development

Global Patterns of Distribution and Consumption of Resources

History (Humanities)

Business Studies (Vocational)

Computer Science (Vocational)

ICT (Vocational)

Achieve Maths-Pre IGCSE (Supplementary)

Achieve English-Pre IGCSE (Supplementary)

English Literature (Supplementary)

  1. Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen (Additional)
  2. Afternoons by Philip Larkin (Additional)
  3. To Autumn by John Keats (Additional)
  4. Death of a Naturalist by Seamus Heaney (Additional)
  5. A Wife in London by Thomas Hardy (Additional)
  6. Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy (Additional)
  7. Cozy Apologia by Rita Dove (Additional)
  8. As Imperceptibly as Grief by Emily Dickinson (Additional)
  9. Living Space by Imtiaz Dharker (Additional)
  10. She Walks in Beauty by Lord George Byron (Additional)
  11. The Soldier by Rupert Brooke (Additional)
  12. Kamikaze by Beatrice Garland (Additional)
  13. The Emigrée by Carol Rumens (Additional)
  14. Tissue by Imtiaz Dharker (Additional)
  15. Climbing My Grandfather by Andrew Waterhouse (Additional)
  16. Winter Swans by Owen Sheers (Additional)
  17. Letters from Yorkshire by Maura Dooley (Additional)
  18. Sonnet 29 by Elizabeth Browning (Additional)
  19. Exposure by Wilfred Owen (Additional)
  20. Porphyria’s Lover by Robert Browning (Additional)
  21. Eden Rock by Charles Causley (Additional)
  22. When We Two Parted by Lord Byron (Additional)
  23. Love’s Philosophy by Percy Bysshe Shelley (Additional)
  24. Walking Away by Cecil Day Lewis (Additional)
  25. Mother, any distance by Simon Armitage (Additional)
  26. Remains by Simon Armitage (Additional) 
  27. Storm On The Island by Seamus Heaney (Additional) 
  28. Before You Were Mine by Carol Ann Duffy (Additional) 
  29. War Photographer by Carol Ann Duffy (Additional) 
  30. Vultures by Chinua Achebe (Additional) 
  31. Nothing’s Changed by Tatamkhulu Afrika (Additional) 
  32. Checking Out Me History by John Agard (Additional) 
  33. Half Caste by John Agard (Additional) 
  34. Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan by Moniza Alvi (Additional) 
  35. The Clown Punk by Simon Armitage (Additional) 
  36. Give by Simon Armitage (Additional) 
  37. Harmonium by Simon Armitage (Additional)
  38. The Manhunt by Simon Armitage (Additional)
  39. Out of the Blue (extract) by Simon Armitage (Additional) 
  40. A Vision by Simon Armitage (Additional) 
  41. The Moment by Margaret Atwood (Additional) 
  42. On a Portrait of a Deaf Man by John Betjeman (Additional) 
  43. Search For My Tongue by Sujata Bhatt (Additional) 
  44. London by William Blake (Additional) 
  45. Spellbound by Emily Brontë (Additional) 
  46. Sonnet 43 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Additional) 
  47. My Last Duchess by Robert Browning (Additional) 
  48. Belfast Confetti by Ciaran Carson (Additional) 
  49. Cold Knap Lake by Gillian Clarke (Additional) 
  50. Neighbours by Gillian Clarke (Additional) 
  51. The Falling Leaves by Margaret Postgate Cole (Additional) 
  52. next to of course god america i by E. E. Cummings (Additional) 
  53. Blessing by Imtiaz Dharker (Additional)
  54. The Right Word by Imtiaz Dharker (Additional) 
  55. Hour by Carol Ann Duffy (Additional) 
  56. Medusa by Carol Ann Duffy (Additional) 
  57. Quickdraw by Carol Ann Duffy (Additional) 
  58. Night of the Scorpion by Nissim Ezekiel (Additional) 
  59. Casehistory: Alison (head injury) by U. A. Fanthorpe (Additional) 
  60. In Paris with You by James Fenton (Additional) 
  61. Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes by Lawrence Ferlinghetti (Additional) 
  62. Brothers by Andrew Forster (Additional) 
  63. Horse Whisperer by Andrew Forster (Additional) 
  64. At the Border, 1979 by Choman Hardi (Additional) 
  65. The Ruined Maid by Thomas Hardy (Additional) 
  66. The Blackbird of Glanmore by Seamus Heaney (Additional) 
  67. Bayonet Charge by Ted Hughes (Additional) 
  68. Hawk Roosting by Ted Hughes (Additional) 
  69. Wind by Ted Hughes (Additional) 
  70. Crossing the Loch by Kathleen Jamie (Additional) 
  71. Brendon Gallacher by Jackie Kay (Additional) 
  72. Ghazal by Mimi Khalvati (Additional) 
  73. Born Yesterday by Philip Larkin (Additional) 
  74. Storm in the Black Forest by D. H. Lawrence (Additional) 
  75. Unrelated Incidents by Tom Leonard (Additional) 
  76. Below the Green Corrie by Norman MacCaig (Additional) 
  77. To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell (Additional) 
  78. The Farmer’s Bride by Charlotte Mew (Additional) 
  79. The Yellow Palm by Robert Minhinnick (Additional) 
  80. Les Grands Seigneurs by Dorothy Molloy (Additional) 
  81. Singh Song! by Daljit Nagra (Additional) 
  82. Hurricane Hits England by Grace Nichols (Additional) 
  83. Price We Pay for the Sun by Grace Nichols (Additional) 
  84. Futility by Wilfred Owen (Additional) 
  85. Sister Maude by Christina Rossetti (Additional) 
  86. Nettles by Vernon Scannell (Additional) 
  87. Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare (Additional) 
  88. Mametz Wood by Owen Sheers (Additional) 
  89. Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley (Additional) 
  90. Come On, Come Back by Stevie Smith (Additional) 
  91. The River God by Stevie Smith (Additional) 
  92. Hard Water by Jean Sprackland (Additional) 
  93. The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred Tennyson (Additional) 
  94. The Hunchback in the Park by Dylan Thomas (Additional) 
  95. Poppies by Jane Weir (Additional) 
  96. The Prelude (extract) by William Wordsworth (Additional) 
  97. The Wild Swans at Coole by W. B. Yeats (Additional)
  • Wider Reading:
  1. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
  2. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
  3. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
  4. 1984 by George Orwell
  5. Animal Farm by George Orwell
  6. Anita and Me by Meera Syal
  7. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  8. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
  9. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
  10. Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
  11. The Crucible by Arthur Miller
  12. Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman
  13. Heroes by Robert Cormier 
  14. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Information Technologies (Supplementary)

Physical Education (Supplementary)

Health and Fitness (Supplementary)

Music Theory (Supplementary)

Food Preparation and Nutrition (Supplementary)

Design and Technology (Supplementary)

Text for Drama (Supplementary)

Study Smart (Supplementary)

Keeping Fit and Healthy (Supplementary)

Creative iMedia (Supplementary)

Creative iMedia

Religious Studies (Supplementary)

Religious Studies

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